- 5
- 0
- 0
Theme not applying to dropdown.
#1047 opened by vendelieu - 1
Which version of ngx-chips works with Angular 10?
#1045 opened by asadmalik3 - 0
- 1
./node_modules/ngx-chips/fesm2015/ngx-chips.mjs:2540:24-32 - Error: export 'filter' (imported as 'filter$1') - Error
#1036 opened by dineshmaths1 - 0
- 0
Incorrect type of onTextChange event emitter
#1032 opened by lukasmatta - 1
Cannot find module 'ng2-material-dropdown' from '../../node_modules/ngx-chips/fesm2015/ngx-chips.mjs'
#1025 opened by kaknovuy - 3
Wrong imports are used for rxjs operators
#1029 opened by 11mb - 11
- 0
Adding new tags on a new line?
#1024 opened by daniel-ign - 5
1. Set placeholder length and typing width? 2.onBlur event-- add the typing words to a Tag and clear the typing words
#949 opened by dylanshipf - 3
Can't import the named export 'ɵɵviewQuery' from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)
#1020 opened by Yamesh1994 - 0
Browser refreshes while add a new tag even after adding [appendToBody]= "false"
#1019 opened by Annleena333 - 0
allowDupes is case senitive
#1015 opened by poddarkhushbu07 - 0
Improvement to Input Value Type
#1014 opened by wesleygonalv - 1
FormControl String Value
#1013 opened by elvispdosreis - 2
Error Compiler ngx-chips 3 and angular 13
#1012 opened by elvispdosreis - 2
ngx-chips not working with angular 12
#1011 opened by rajkumarg736 - 1
ngx-chips 3.0.0 - angular 13.0.3 errors on build
#1010 opened by dabbabi - 4
Repository maintenance status?
#1000 opened by anuj9196 - 1
Bind removable and edit data loaded from database
#996 opened by truongtokiet - 1
Is there any way that I can set value from tagModel used in ngx-chips in angular?
#1004 opened by krunalm94 - 1
- 0
hi , after build:ssr when i want to run serve:ssr terminal fall into a loop and when i comment wavesurfer.js library it work find , also i put the library code into isPlatformBrowser but don't have any effect
#999 opened by zabih-am - 2
- 1
- 1
[ngx-chips] Not able to edit chips on safari browser and IOSMobile(chrome)
#984 opened by TaruniSurampally - 0
- 19
Error in production build
#976 opened by Ananya-96 - 0
Custom validator errorMessages
#980 opened by winchester1979 - 1
- 0
- 4
Cannot read property 'pipe' of undefined at TagInputDropdown.getItemsFromObservable
#972 opened by bigyanchap - 6
Bump peerDependency of Angular to ^10
#950 opened by bjornharvold - 4
- 1
- 2
Publish the latest version of library on NPM
#971 opened by eneajaho - 1
placeholder should not show
#966 opened by dolphinsd - 1
Suggestion dropdown appears only once
#965 opened by Lastwhitelf - 5
Adding tags very quickly causes error ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError
#945 opened by tskweres - 0
Selected text in the input is not getting errased in Safari on backspace where the cursor is jumping to end
#962 opened by micky9 - 0
BACKSPACE / DELETE doesn't delete the 1st tag
#958 opened by lex-rmondal - 1
Input from textbox above the list tags
#948 opened by phalla-doll - 1
Not compatible with Angular 4-6
#955 opened by carlosdubus - 5
- 0
Validating using formControlName does not work
#953 opened by lemoncodes91 - 1
formGroup usage on tag-input produces this._onTouchedCallback is not a function
#952 opened by lemoncodes91 - 0
click on option in tag-input-dropdown and separate chips using ENTER, gives runtime error
#947 opened by Warsha97