
Testing and benchmarking tool for logic-related programs.

Primary LanguageOCamlBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


build status

Tool to run one or more logic programs, on a set of files, and collect the results.

License: BSD.

Basic usage

$ benchpress run -c foo.sexp dir_a/ dir_b/ -p z3

this tells benchpress to run the prover z3 on directories dir_a and dir_b. foo.sexp contains additional configuration parameters as described below.

System dependencies

Logitest relies on a bunch of utilities, besides OCaml libraries:

  • sqlite3 (with development headers)
  • time, ulimit, etc
  • gzip/zcat for compressing files
  • (optional) grep + access to /proc/cpuinfo for guessing number of cores
  • (optional) git for tagging solvers from their repository

TODO use cgroups or similar for CPU affinity


Most of the commands accept -c <config file> to specify which config files to use.

  • benchpress --help to list options
  • benchpress run:
    • -t <time> timeout (in seconds) for each run
    • -m <memory> memory limit in MB
    • -F <file> read list of problems from given file
    • -p <prover1,prover2> list of provers to use
    • --task <profile> specify which task to use
  • benchpress dir config shows the configuration directory
  • benchpress dir state shows the directory where the state (benchmark results) is stored
  • benchpress check-config <file> to check that the file is valid configuration
  • benchpress prover-list to list available provers
  • benchpress prover-show <prover> to show the definition of a prover
  • benchpress list-files to list the results
  • benchpress show <result> to show the content of the result file
  • benchpress serve to open a HTTP server on a port (default 8080), which provides a basic web UI.

Config File

Benchpress ships with a builtin config that contains, roughly:

Builtin config

; read smtlib status
  (name smtlib-read-status)
  (cmd "grep :status $file")
  (unknown ":status unknown")
  (sat ":status sat")
  (unsat ":status unsat"))

  (name minisat)
  (sat "^SATISFIABLE")
  (cmd "minisat -cpu-lim=$timeout $file"))

  (name z3)
  (cmd "z3 $file")
  (version "cmd:z3 --version")
  (unsat "unsat")
  (sat "^sat"))

The configuration is based on stanzas that define available provers, available sets of benchmarks (based on directories that contain them), and tasks. For now the only kind of supported task is to run provers on problems, but it should get richer as we go (e.g. run proof checkers, do some basic CI, run a task daily, etc.).

In this default file we also define a pseudo-prover, "smtlib-read-status", which is used to parse SMTLIB benchmarks and find an annotation (set-info :status <…>). This is useful when running provers later because it makes it easy to find bugs (if a prover reports a wrong answer).

We also define provers minisat and z3 as common reference points, providing info on how to run them (with cmd …) and how to parse their results using regexes.

Example of config file

A more complete example, taken from mc2:

; from https://github.com/c-cube/mc2
  (name mc2)
  (cmd "ulimit -t $timeout; mc2 --time $timeout $file")
  (unsat "^Unsat")
  (sat "^Sat")
  (unknown "Unknown")
  (timeout "Timeout"))

  (path "$HOME/workspace/smtlib")
  (pattern ".*.smt2")
  (expect (run smtlib-read-status)))

  (name glob-all-smtlib)
  (synopsis "run all SMT solvers on smtlib")
    (dirs "$HOME/workspace/smtlib")
    (provers mc2 z3)
    ;(memory 100000000)  ; TODO: parse "10G"
    (timeout 10))))

  (name glob-all-smtlib-QF_UF)
  (synopsis "run all SMT solvers on QF_UF")
      (dirs "$HOME/workspace/smtlib/QF_UF")
      (provers mc2 z3)
      (timeout 10))))

Then one can run, say,

$ benchpress run -c the_file.sexp --task glob-all-smtlib-QF_UF -t 30

to run mc2 and z3 on the QF_UF problems in the SMTLIB directory. The task stanza defines a pre-packaged task that can be launched easily from the command line or the embedded web server (a bit like a makefile target).

List of stanzas

The variable $cur_dir evaluates to the config file's directory. This allows the config file to refer to provers that are installed locally (e.g. in the same repository).

  • (prover …) defines a new prover. The name should be unique.
    • name: unique name, used to refer to this prover in results, on the command line, etc
    • cmd: how to run the prover. Variables $timeout, $file, $memory are available and will refer to parameters used to run the prover on a file.
    • sat, unsat, unknown, timeout, memory are (perl) regex used to recognize the result (or reason for failure by timeout or memory exhaustion) of the prover.
    • custom tags can be used with (tag foo regex): a tag named foo will be used when regex matches the prover's output.
  • (dir …) defines a directory:
    • (path …) defines the path. The rules below apply to any file within this directory.
    • (pattern ".*.smt2") means only files matching the (perl) regex will be considered.
    • (expect …) defines how to find the expected result of each file (which will be compared to the actual result to detect bugs).
  • (custom-tag (name t)) makes a custom tag t available
  • (task …) defines a task that can be run from the command line.
    • name should be unique (used to refer to the task)
    • action defines what the task should do, see the action section For now there's only (run_provers …) to run provers on files locally.
  • (set-options…) defines global options:
    • j integer for number of parallel tasks in run
    • progress boolean for progress bar in run


  • (run_provers fields) to run some provers on some benchmarks. Fields are:
    • (provers p1 … pn) list of (names of) provers defined in other stanzas
    • (dirs p1 … pn) paths containing benchmarks. The paths must be subdirectories of already defined directories (see the dir stanza above)
    • (timeout n) (optional) defines a timeout in seconds
    • (pattern regex) (optional) an additional regex for files to consider in dirs
  • (progn a1 … an) runs actions in sequence. Fails if any action fails.
  • (run_cmd "the command") runs the given command.
  • (git_checkout (dir d) (ref r) [(fetch_first fetch|pull)]) specifies a directory in which to go ((dir d)), a git reference to checkout ((ref r)) and optionally a tag to indicate whether to fetch/pull the repo first.