
The Flambda backend project for OCaml

Primary LanguageOCaml


The Flambda backend project for OCaml.

Installation instructions

Only currently tested on Linux/x86-64 and macOS/x86-64.

$ opam switch 4.11.1  # or "opam switch create 4.11.1" if you haven't got that switch already
$ eval $(opam env)
$ git clone https://github.com/ocaml-flambda/dune
$ cd dune
$ git checkout origin/special_dune
$ make release
$ cd ..
$ git clone https://github.com/ocaml-flambda/flambda-backend
$ cd flambda-backend
$ git checkout origin/4.11
$ autoconf
$ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/install/dir --enable-middle-end=closure --with-dune=$(pwd)/../dune/dune.exe
$ make
$ make install

Note that make install completely overwrites the given --prefix directory.

Prior to make install you can do:

  • make runtest to run the Flambda backend tests (which use dune);
  • make runtest-upstream to run the upstream testsuite. The upstream testsuite runs much faster if you install GNU parallel. This is likely already present on Linux machines. On macOS, install Homebrew, then brew install parallel.

You can also specify --enable-middle-end=flambda.

To rebuild after making changes, you can just type make (then make runtest-upstream and/or make install as required). If you start a new shell (e.g. after a machine reboot) you first need to ensure your OPAM environment is set up correctly. For example:

$ opam switch 4.11.1
$ eval $(opam env)
$ cd flambda-backend
$ make