Demo application using angularjs and gulp.
Run fe
in root directory
fe is a shell script to manage the developing and auto building. No need to understand how does gulp/bower/npm works.
run ./fe --help
to get more information.
usage: ./fe [<command>] [<args>]
The most commonly used fe commands are:
init Generate the project with newest config
package Export project as an tar file
watch Doing gulp watch
live Start a web server and doing gulp watch to automatical refresh your browers
update Usable options 'npm/bower/template/hooks'
server Using http-server to start a web server
jshint Use jshint to check your code
compile Build project
app/ --- Main code directory
_sass/ --- Sass files, directory started with '_' will be ignored when release a package.
modules/ --- Sass modules
utils/ --- Sass utilities files
style.scss --- Sass main file
_common/ --- Application common libs and utilities
_i18n/ --- I18n directory
assets/ --- Static resources
vendor/ --- Third-party libs, managed by bower
web/ --- Application code directory
modules/ --- Application modules
mod_a/ --- Module A
00-config.js --- Config of module A, started with 00 so that make sure it always goes to the top, becuase all the controllers are depened on it
index.html --- Module A index page
index.js --- Module A index controller
mod_b/ --- Same with module A
index.html --- Application layouts, like menu/sidebar/login etc. are goes this level
index.js --- Application default controller
index.hml --- Application index page
config/ --- Application config, there will be a config-local.js generated.
config.js --- Basic configuration of the application
config-local.js --- Personal configuration fo the application, it will overwrite the config in config.js. If not found, please run ./fe to generate it
hooks/ --- Will push to .git/hooks/ to handle the commit and pull
pre-commit --- Run jshint before you do a git commit. If jshint failed, then can not commit
psot-merge --- Automaticlly build after you pull the newest code
.bowerrc --- Bower config
.gitignore --- Git ignore file
.jshintrc --- Jshint configuration --- README
bower.json --- Bower package
fe --- Frontend development and building tool, run './fe --help' to get more help
gulpfile.js --- Gulp configuration file
index.template --- Template for your index.html, gulp use this to generate index.html
package.json --- Npm packages