Alchemy Bootstrap Template

Making a plan

Html Element

  • header -- static
  • user input -- static
  • button -- static user message -- dynamic and change based on the user gyess


  • userGuess -- will hold the value of the input field
  • randomNum -- will be generate at the start of every game
  • numGuesses -- number of guesses -- incremented every time the user clicks the button
  • userMessage -'You're correct': userGuess === randomNum -'Guess too high': userGuess > randomNum 'Guess too low': userGuess < randomNum 'No more guesses': numGuesses > 4 -'Invalid guess': if input is >20 or not a number(stretch)

PsuedoCode for Event

// what DOM elements needed

// what state do i need

// what events am i listening for
// on button click do the following:
// decrement or increment the guess count
// get the value of the user guess from the input
// compare user guess to randomNumber
// if(userGuess === randomNum) -- display you won!
// else if (numGuesses === 4 ) --display you lost, out og guesses
// else if (userGuess > randomNum) -- display guess too high!
// melse if (userGuess < randomNum) -- display guess too low