Godot 3.5+ addon
Simple database that store you data in Config File format. One file - one table. Good for small data storage (~10mb). Tested with GUT
method | return type | description |
_init(dbpath:String, password: String) | TableDB | Database can be encripted if you set password |
insert(data: Dictionary) | int | Add new row and return id |
remove(id: int) | bool | Remove row by id |
has(id: int) | bool | Check if row exists |
find(id: int) | Dictionary | Find row by id |
all() | Array | Return all rows |
count() | int | Return total rows count |
save() | null | Save all changes to disk |
saveTo(path:String) | null | Save changes to another place |
select(fields: Array) | TableDB.Query | Return simple query builder |
method | return type | description |
where(field: String, condition: String, equal) | TableDB.Query | Add filtration condition for query (AND) |
whereIn(field: String, equal: Array) | TableDB.Query | |
whereNotIn(field: String, equal: Array) | TableDB.Query | |
whereCustom(function: FuncRef) | TableDB.Query | Add custom WHERE. Filtration function must have one argument and return true/false |
update(values: Dictionary) | int | Set new "values" for selected rows and return changed count |
delete() | int | Delete selected rows and return deleted count |
count() | int | Return selected count |
orderyBy(field: String, direction: String = 'asc') | TableDB.Query | Set sort by field (direction: 'asc'/'desc') |
orderByCustom(object, function: String) | TableDB.Query | Use custom sort function |
groupBy(field: String) | Dictionary | group result by field |
take(limit: int, offset: int) | Array | Return query result |
var table = TableDB.new("user://data.table")
table.insert({name='hello', description='world'})
table.insert({name='second', description='row'})
table.insert({name='3', description='world'})
table.count() # 3
table.all() # [{id=1, name="hello", description='world'}, ...]
table.has(2) # true
table.has(4) # false
table.find(2) # {id=2, name="second", description='row'}
table.remove(2) # true
# save all changes to disk
func _ready():
var table = TableDB.new("user://data.table")
for i in range(100):
table.insert({name='hello'+str(i), value=randi()%10})
# [{name:hello0}, {name:hello1}, {name:hello2}, {name:hello3}, {name:hello4}]
# [{id:95}, {id:94}, {id:93}, {id:92}, {id:91}]
# [{value:0}, {value:0}, {value:2}, {value:3}, {value:2}, {value:1}, {value:1}, {value:4} ...]
table.select().whereCustom(funcref(self, '_where_custom')).take()
# ....
func _where_custom(data: Dictionary):
return data["name"]=='hello0' || data["name"]=='hello1'