
Do you find Git commands scary or hard to remember? Then you're viewing the correct repo. #GIT-CHEATSHEET


Quick reference for Git Commands

Prepare Repository

  • Initialize the current directory with an empty repository.
    • git init
  • Clone Repository
    • git clone <url> <dir>

Configure Repository

  • To view current configurations
    • git config --list
  • Set Username
    • 'git config user.name <"username">'
  • Set Email
    • git config user.email <"email">
  • Change default editor
    • git config core.editor <editor>

Working with repository

  • Show working directory status
    • git status
  • Add file to index for next commit
    • git add <file>
    • git add . (to add all files at once)
  • Remove file from the index
    • git reset --<file>
  • Discard file modification
    • git checkout --<file>
  • Remove file from the current working directory
    • git rm <file>
  • To commit changes
    • git commit -m <"commit message">
  • Replace last commit of the current branch with current index
    • git commit --amend
  • To view commit logs
    • git log -n <number>
    • git shortlog (To view shorter commit log)
    • git shortlog -s (Short log summary)
    • git log --onelne (Shows commits in one line)
  • Remove untracked files from the repository
    • git clean -i

Manage Branch

  • Detach head from current branch
    • git checkout --detach
  • Create new branch
    • git checkout -b <branch-name>
  • Switch branch
    • git checkout <branch-name>
  • Checkout to n previous commits
    • git checkout <HEAD~n> ("n" could be any number)
  • List local branches
    • git branch --list
  • List remote tracking branches
    • git branch -r
  • List both remote and local branches
    • git branch -a
  • Delete branch
    • git branch -d <branch_name>
    • git branch -D <branch_name> (Force delete. Use with caution)
  • Merge branch
    • git merge <branch-name>
  • Rebase current branch with other branched interactively
    • git rebase -i <other-branch>
  • Merge using merge commit
    • git merge --no--ff <other-branch>


  • List tags
    • git tag
  • Add tag
    • git tag <tag_name>
  • Delete tag
    • git tag -d <tag_name>


  • Save working directory state to new stash
    • git stash save "stash_message"
  • List stashes
    • git stash list
  • Restore last stash and apply to working directory
    • git stash pop
  • Remove last stash
    • git stash drop
  • Clear stashes
    • git stash clear


  • Show remote repositories
    • git remote -v
  • Add remote repositories
    • git remote add <remote-name> <url>
  • Push branch to remote
    • git push <remote-name> <branch-name>
  • Delete remote branch
    • git push --delete <remote-branch> <branch-name>
  • Push and create new remote branch at the same time
    • git push -u origin master
    • git push origin master
    • git push origin master --force
  • Push tags/tag
    • git push <remote-name> <tag_name>
    • git push --tags <remote-name>
  • Delete remote tag
    • git push --delete <remote-name> <tag-name>
  • Fetch from remote (Update remote-tracking branches)
    • git fetch <remote-name>
  • Pull from remote (Retrieve objects from remote)
    • git pull <remote-name> <branch-name>

Good Practices

  • Optimize repository
    • git gc
  • Auto optimize
    • git gc --auto
  • Check repository
    • git fsck (Checks integrity of objects in the repository)