
Degen NFT is a technical soulbound token represented as an NFT, which is an internal Access Pass To V2 Credit Accounts.

Its purpose is to give access to Leverage Ninjas to deploy strategies and use leverage across DeFi while Gearbox V2 is in beta mode. One NFT usually means 1 Credit Account pass, with the debt asst choice as per the NFT’s owner. Keep in mind that if you close an account after opening, the access pass is effectively "burned".

You can request to get on the list if you ready to trade & farm with big size, see all the details on forum.

Important information for contributors

As a contributor to the Gearbox Protocol GitHub repository, your pull requests indicate acceptance of our Gearbox Contribution Agreement. This agreement outlines that you assign the Intellectual Property Rights of your contributions to the Gearbox Foundation. This helps safeguard the Gearbox protocol and ensure the accumulation of its intellectual property. Contributions become part of the repository and may be used for various purposes, including commercial. As recognition for your expertise and work, you receive the opportunity to participate in the protocol's development and the potential to see your work integrated within it. The full Gearbox Contribution Agreement is accessible within the repository for comprehensive understanding. [Let's innovate together!]