
final-project-repo-bar-coders created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Book Worms

This app was created by The Bar Coders as our final 4-week project at the end of our School of Code Bootcamp.

Project Description

Our problem statement

There isn’t a modern way for teachers to engage with their students about their extra-curricular reading:

  • as a teacher, I want a way to encourage my students to read outside of school;
  • as a pupil, I want a fun and engaging way to record how much I’m reading.

Our solution

We created an app to solve this problem. It has two sides to it:

  • the student side, which is aimed at 7-11 year old children to help them record their extra-curricular reading in a fun way; and
  • the teacher side, which aims to help teachers easily access their class's reading data both at a class level and at the individual child level.

Project Implementation

Technology used

The front-end (in this repo) is written in Next.js and deployed to Netlify, with an Express.js server at the back-end deployed to Heroku (this is in a separate repo). Authentication is handled via Firebase, with users being assigned either a student role or a teacher role, and directed to the relevant part of the site. Tokens ensure secure access to the back-end database.


We worked in an agile manner with continuous deployment, 2-3 day long sprints and daily stand-ups and retros.


We began our planning process by focussing on our user personas and the user journey, and we consulted with both children and teachers to gain a good understanding of the problem that we were seeking to solve. We created low- and high-fidelity designs before we started building.


For testing our app, we used Jest and SuperTest unit testing and Cypress end-to-end testing.


The student side is mobile responsive to reflect anticipated user interactions.


  • Dilyn Corbett @NovaGlow
  • Asma Dage @asmaisalive
  • Mohamed Mohamud @codewithmohamed
  • Anita Percival @anitapercival
  • Alex Platt @aljaplatt
  • Jenny Taylor @GeckoJen