
42 School Projects Repository: A comprehensive collection of all my projects completed during my time at 42, a programming school. This repository showcases my learning journey, skills development, and a variety of coding challenges tackled throughout the curriculum.

Primary LanguageC

The C piscine == the selections

ryebadok's 42 stats

The 42 Cursus

ryebadok's 42 stats

Circle Project Names Final Mark Description
00 LIBFT ryebadok's 42 Libft Score Remake of C library
01 FT_PRINTF ryebadok's 42 ft_printf Score My version of C printf
01 GET_NEXT_LINE ryebadok's 42 get_next_line Score Reads a file and returns its content line by line
01 BORN_TO_BE_ROOT ryebadok's 42 Born2beroot Score Configuration of a virtual machine
02 MINITALK ryebadok's 42 minitalk Score Sending messages through signals
02 PUSH_SWAP ryebadok's 42 push_swap Score Sorting algorithms
02 SO_LONG ryebadok's 42 so_long Score 2D game in C
03 PHILOSOPHERS ryebadok's 42 Philosophers Score Multithreading
03 MINISHELL ryebadok's 42 minishell Score Small version of a shell
04 MINIRT ryebadok's 42 miniRT Score Ray casting
04 NET PRATICE ryebadok's 42 NetPractice Score Understanding network protocols TCP/IP
04 CPP00 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 00 Score
04 CPP00 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 00 Score Introduction to object-oriented programming in C++
04 CPP01 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 01 Score Memory allocation, references, pointers to members, and the use of switch in C++
04 CPP02 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 02 Score
04 CPP03 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 03 Score
04 CPP04 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 04 Score
05 CPP05 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 05 Score
05 CPP06 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 06 Score
05 CPP07 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 07 Score
05 CPP08 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 08 Score
05 CPP09 ryebadok's 42 CPP Module 09 Score
05 INCEPTION ryebadok's 42 Inception Score Docker and Docker-compose
06 TRANSCENDANCE ryebadok's 42 ft_transcendence Score