
This project is a typed starter pack for Node.js and Express server with full authentication and authorization experience using signed JWT and an HTTP collection to test out our endpoint.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Built With

  • JWTs & refresh tokens
  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • MongoDB with Mongoose

Application Structure


expressjs-server/ contains the express server code

└── config              # _default configurations (port,db,token ttl , privatekey)
└── src
   ├── controller      # Controller logic goes here
   ├── middleware      # Middleware
   ├── service         # Db query logic goes here
   ├── modles
   |   └──             # contain model to database
   ├── utils           # contains wrapper functions to sign and verify our jwt
   └── app.ts          # default  entry point

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  1. clone repo either through ssh / https


 git clone git@github.com:Gedewon/express-API.git


 git clone git@github.com:Gedewon/express-API.git
  1. the change directory to /Todo.git
cd express-API
  1. install node dependency and open index.html with live server
 yarn  && yarn dev
  1. then paly around with this http endpoint don't forget to replace token with your own generated onces after login

👤 Gedewon

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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