
Generic factory with runtime dependency resolution for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

DependencyInjection.GenericFactory GitHub Nuget

This library is an extension for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection that allows easy registration and use of DI factories that allow for runtime dependency resolution while retaining strong typing.


The central piece is the IFactory generic interface, which has many versions with different counts of generic parameters. For example, for two runtime resolved parameters you would use IFactory<TService, TArg1, TArg2>.

Factories can be registered using IServiceCollection.AddFactory<TService, TImplementation, TArg1, TArg2>(), or if you need specific control on how the service is being created, you can register a factory delegate via IServiceCollection.AddFactory<TService. TArg1, TArg2>(Func<IServiceProvider, TArg1, TArg2, TService>). Both methods will register a factory which will be registered to the ServiceCollection via the IFactory interface.

Factories can then be resolved by regular dependancy injection methods, or by calling IServiceProvider.GetFactory<TService, Arg1, Arg2>(). A GetRequiredFactory version is also available.

When to use IFactory<T> instead of IServiceProvider?

The rule of thumb should be to always prefer using IServiceProvider, unless:

  • Your service has dependencies that cannot be known during service registration
  • You want to be explicit that I will only create instances of this specific type


// In this example we register a NumberLoggingService and a Logger to the dependency injection container, and an OtherService (that will be using our number logger). The logger will be resolved will be resolved from a service container, and the number is passed as a parameter to the factory during runtime and is supplied to the constructor of the NumberLoggingService.

class Startup
    public IServiceCollection RegisterServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddSingleton<ILogger, Logger>();
        services.AddFactory<INumberLoggingService, NumberLoggingService, IRuntimeDependency>();

    // ...

interface IFooService {}

class NumberLoggingService : INumberLoggingService
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly int _number;

    public FooService(ILogger logger, int number)
        _logger = logger;
        _number = number;

    public void Log()
        _logger.Log("The number is" + _number);

class OtherService
    private IFactory<INumberLoggingService, int> _factory;

    public OtherService(IFactory<INumberLoggingService, int> factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public void Run()
        var numberLogger = _factory.CreateService(42);
        numberLogger.Log(); // "The number is 42"
  • It's a static class that can't be injected, and can't be mocked
  • It's comparatively slow
  • It's weakly typed

In fact, the library internally uses a WeaklyTypedFactory<TService>, which is basically a caching wrapper around ActivatorUtilities.CreateFactory that gets registered as a singleton, and solves the first two problems. The GenericFactory is then a wrapper around that, that solves the last problem sort of.

Sidenote: The weakly typed factory can be registered by calling IServiceCollection.AddWeaklyTypedFactory<TService,TImplementation>() and is then available via IWeaklyTypedFactory<TService>, but using it directly is not the recommended approach.