
How about letting us actually use the tools you supply links too in docs

BreeOge opened this issue · 1 comments

As my title says, I am sick of trying to do stuff with this stupid Smartto firmware. The smart thing you guys could have done is at least make a Marlin version, so we can install marlin. Instead you totally abandon the project, toss people to the wind, and walk away smiling with the money.

  1. Download and unzip project source code and toolchain
    You can find all the downloads here <== GUESS WHAT == Forbidden You don't have permission to access /OpenSource/ on this Server.

You either need to fix the issues so people can actually use the firmware, or release the schematics for the Smartto MB V1.0, so we can build our own Marlin, or you could release a marlin config file that works.

Thank you

No clue if you will even see this BUT I totally agree with you. As a newbie to Arduino.3D printing, simply LOCATING the proper tools is hard enough. This added BS of downloading a useless tool is beyond frustrating! As for "Forbidden You don't have permission to access /OpenSource/ on this Server." - please, DON'T get me started! For WEEKS I've been searching for Firmware for my Geeetech A30 Pro AND I'm certain it's hiding right behind that FORBIDDEN DOOR! Thanks for reading my RANT