
The mind maps for Design Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann

MindMap for Design Data-Intensive Applications

  • includes MindNode source files (editable)
  • includes generate PDF (read only)
  • includes summary of each chapter in markdown

Chapter One: Reliability, Scalability and Maintainability

Many applications today are data-intensive rather than compute-intensive

  • Reliability: system works correctly even some faults happen (hide certain types of faults from the end user)
  • Scalability: system performance is kept good even load is increasing
  • Maintainability: system is easy to operate, understand and change.

Chapter Two: Data Models and Query Language

Every data model embodies assumptions about how it is going to be used

  • relational database: strict schema, lots of M-M, M-1 Relationship
  • document database: self-contained and small document, most of relationship is 1-M, scalability, evolvability
  • graph database: M-M relationship is everywhere
