
Multi-modal Eldercare.gov Locator -- find resources the way YOU want

Primary LanguageRuby

Voice/SMS Eldercare Resource Locator app


Service Number/Name Voice/Text
Call/SMS (202) 738-5220 Both
Skype +990009369996192374 Voice only
SIP sip:9996192374@sip.tropo.com Voice only
iNum +883510001357413 Voice only
Jabber eldercare@tropo.im Text only

Data Source

This app uses data from the ElderCare Locator API. More information is available on ProgrammableWeb and at the ElderCare.gov website.

Steps to recreate

  1. You will need to have Ruby, Rubygems, Heroku and Git installed first.

  2. Drop into your command line and run the following commands:

  • git clone http://github.com/marks/tropo-sinatra-eldercare.git --depth 1
  • cd tropo-sinatra-eldercare
  1. Edit the config.yml.exmaple to use your own API username and password and rename the file to config.yml

  2. Back at the command line, issue:

  • heroku create
  • git push heroku master
  1. Log in or sign up for Tropo and create a new WebAPI application. For the App URL, enter in your Heroku app's URL and append /index.json to the end of it.

  2. That's it! Call in, use, and tinker with your app!