calculating the shipping order
mcbrighty opened this issue · 3 comments
I decided to add Boolean variable to this code of solving it and whenever I ran my code I get additional $1 added if the total shipping order exceeds or equals $50. Why?
This is the code:
Program to calculate a shipping order and give a tip of free shipping if order exceeds $50 else $10 fee
shippingFee = False
sumTotal = 0
orderTotal = float(input("Enter the total amount of order "))
if orderTotal >= 50:
shippingFee = True
print("Shipping is free")
shippingFee = 10
print("Shipping fee will cost additional $10")
sumTotal = orderTotal + shippingFee
print("Your total shipping fee with order is $%2f" % sumTotal)
print("Your total shipping fee with order is $" + str(sumTotal))
There are few issues with your code for the results that your seeking @mcbrighty .
First, as @izleogrenkodla stated, in Boolean "True" has a value of "1", and the way Boolean is used in the code, the results simply added the value "1". In addition, the Boolean is being used backward, so the results would only add value of 1 for orders over 50 while adding value 10 for orders under 50. This occurs because: in code "if orderTotal >= 50:" when it should be "if orderTotal <= 50:" but still that would not change the fact that True adds the value "1" that required ensure appropriate variable added (see below example). There are a couple of smaller coding issues. Below I have provided two example codes, the first uses Boolean which will provide the results. But with the simple results that is being seek, I would use the "If/Else Statement which is cleaner and easier to use with numerical values--the second example code. Hopefully, they have been helpful. Thanks.
Example 1 (Boolean)
shipping fee to order
example 1
shippingFee = False
sumTotal = 0
orderTotal = float(input("Enter the total amount of order: "))
if orderTotal <= 50: # changed >= to <=
shippingFee = True
shippingFee = 0 # added this variable to add 0 instead 1
print("Shipping is free")
shippingFee = 10
print("Shipping fee will cost additional $10")
sumTotal = orderTotal + shippingFee
print("Your total shipping fee with order is ${0:.2f}".format(shippingFee))
print("Your total order cost is ${0:.2f}".format(sumTotal))
Example 2 (If/Else Statement)
shipping fee to order
use simple If Else statements
Example 2
sumTotal = 0
orderTotal = float(input("Please enter total amount of order: "))
if orderTotal <= 50:
shipFee = 0
print("Shipping is Free!")
shipFee = 10
print("Shipping fee will cost additional $10")
sumTotal = orderTotal + shipFee
print("Your order amount is: ${0:.2f}".format(orderTotal))
print("You shipping cost is: ${0:.2f}".format(shipFee))
print("You total order cost is: ${0:.2f}".format(sumTotal))
Sorry, indentation required in the appropriate sections, the formatting of this comment section does a poor job of reflecting actual code~ I could provide actual py files if necessary. Thanks! Patrick