
How to contribute to Geek.Zone projects

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Broadly, we follow the Open Source Guide.

We try to keep things super informal and simple at Geek.Zone. We have no "boss" and we encourage experimentation. We believe that there is no such thing as a mistake, there are only learning opportunities. We have no restrictions on time or geography.

We do ask that you follow our Code of Conduct.


  1. Assign yourself to an issue by commenting /mine on the issue you want to work on - no need to ask for permission.
  2. If the issue has the "epic" label, split it into specific tasks that you can complete in one sitting.
    1. Log a new issue
    2. Include "relates to epic issue #x" in the issue body
    3. Assign yourself to the issue you just created using /mine as above.
  3. Start working on the issue using Test Driven Development.
    1. Write tests first - vital
    2. Write code to pass tests
  4. Update the documentation in the docs directory. Make one in the root if it does not already exist.
  5. When you are done, create a pull request.

How we do

  • PEP8
    We use spaces.
  • Test Driven Development is vital
    You must not write any code unless it is to make a failing test pass. Obey the Testing Goat!
  • New repos
    We have a repo template that you should use to start a new Geek.Zone repo.
  • Merging
    We prefer the rebase and merge workflow.
  • Eisenhower Method
    Issues are prioritised according to their importance and priority.
  • Keep PRs small.
    This helps reviewers to approve them quickly.
  • async first.
    We prefer to work asynchronously as much as possible.
  • Placeless
    We work without regard to geography.


It is important to asynchronously communicate with other people on the project.

  • Old ≠ bad
    We do not close issues until they are complete. All ideas are welcome and will be developed as soon as possible.
  • Frequent comments
    Please share your progress in a comment on each issue that you are assigned to at least once per month.
  • Inactive issues
    If an issue receives no activity for 12 weeks, it will be unassigned to communicate to others that they can have a go.


  • Issue titles should be descriptive
  • PR titles must be descriptive so that you do not have to look up an issue to know what it does.
  • Branch names must
    • be lower-case
    • use the format
      [type]-[issue number]-[issue_title]
    • replace illegal branch characters with _.
    • For example,
  • Commit messages must follow Conventional Commits.

Your IDE can probably do most of this for you.

Branch type names are,

type Description
feat Feature I'm adding or expanding
fix Bug fix. Rectifying a fault in existing functionality.
junk Throwaway branch created to experiment. Will not be merged.
doc Only changes documentation; no code is altered. Will not trigger CI/CD.

I Can Haz Meemz

At Geek.Zone, we try not to take ourselves too seriously. You are wholeheartedly encouraged to include easter eggs, nerd culture references and to generally make all our systems as funny as possible. Keep it family friendly though!


As a member of the Open Source Initiative, all Geek.Zone code and software is published under GPLv3. You can find the full text of this in our LICENSE files. Any contributions you make will be published under these provisions.

Side note: Even though the correct spelling is "licence", we use the USA spelling of LICENSE as this has become the defacto standard in tech.

...and Finally...

  • Help!
    If you need a hand, please just create an issue and we will be more than happy to assist.
  • Attributions
    You are encouraged to add yourself to humans.txt during your first issue, if you want to.
  • Discord
    Join our Discord and chat with us in the #dev channel.
  • Members get trunk
    Geek.Zone members are invited to the Geek.Zone org on GitHub so that they can contribute directly. Members are also part of a fantastic community of like-minded geeks. Membership only costs £1+donation each year so start by taking the Geek.Zone/DevInduction now!