
A ready-to-use full stack template with VueJs and Flask, and many more options!

Primary LanguageVue

Full stack app template

A ready-to-use and customizable web app template with VueJs for frontend and Flask for backend, running on https. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, launch your app and start developing your first feature in one hour!


Table of Contents

About the template

Front end

The front end runs on https://localhost:8080. It is a Vue CLI 3 project that uses the v2 of the CSS library Vuetify. The landing page is the login page. Another template will be released soon for apps that don't necessarily require users to authenticate.

An authentication module is implemented, as well as a convenient global notification system to improve user experience. The front end also contains a job module, to retrieve jobs from the backend and display their progress.

├── front
        ├── public                                      # Config files
        │    ├── favicion.ico                           # App icon  
        │    └── index.html                             # Main html file
        ├── src                                         # Frontend main folder 
        │    ├── assets                                 # Media and fonts
        │    ├── components                             # Custom components files
        │    │    ├── auth                              # Auth components   
        │    │    │    ├── EmailLogin.vue               # Email login component
        │    │    │    ├── FacebookLogin.vue            # Facebook login component
        │    │    │    └── GoogleLogin.vue              # Google login component
        │    │    └── util                              # Util components
        │    │         ├── Header.vue                   # Header component
        │    │         └── Jobs.vue                     Vue router # Jobs component
        │    ├── modules                                # Useful modules
        │    │    ├── auth                              # Auth files
        │    │    │    ├── email.js                     # Email auth functions
        │    │    │    ├── facebook.js                  # Facebook auth functions
        │    │    │    ├── google.js                    # Google auth functions
        │    │    │    └── util.js                      # Common auth functions
        │    │    ├── jobs                              # Job store functions
        │    │    ├── notifications                     # Notification store function
        │    │    └── router                            # Vue router 
        │    ├── pages                                  # Pages of the app
        │    │    ├── auth                              # Auth pages
        │    │    │    ├── callback                     # Callback pages
        │    │    │    │    ├── FacebookCallback.vue    # Facebook auth callback page
        │    │    │    │    └── GoogleCallback.vue      # Google auth callback page
        │    │    │    └── Login.vue                    # Login page
        │    │    └── Home.vue                          # Home page
        │    ├── plugins                                # App plugins
        │    │    └── vuetify.js                        # Vuetify setup
        │    ├── App.vue                                # Vue app
        │    └── main.js                                # Create app
        ├── .env.development                            # Development environment
        ├── babel.config.js                             # Babel configuration
        ├── package.json                                # Packages and dependencies
        ├── package-lock.json                           # Packages and dependencies
        └── vue.config.js                               # Vue configuration

Back end

The back end runs on https://localhost:5000. It uses docker containers to run an api, a worker (jobs are queued with RQ) and a scheduler. It contains the following:

Like the front end, it contains an authentication module, as well as a global customizable error handler.

├── back
    ├── config                              # Config files
    │    └── config.dev.json                # Development config
    ├── {{cookiecutter.project_name}}                                 # Backend main folder 
    │    ├── api                            # Routes registration
    │    │    ├── errors.py                 # Exceptions handler  
    │    │    └── jobs.py                   # Job retriever
    │    ├── auth                           # Auth files
    │    │    ├── email_login.py            # Email auth blueprint        
    │    │    ├── facebook_login.py         # Facebook auth blueprint
    │    │    └── google_login.py           # Google auth blueprint
    │    ├── core                           # Architecture files
    │    │    ├── cache.py                  # Redis cache
    │    │    ├── config.py                 # Config object
    │    │    ├── database.py               # PostgreSQL database
    │    │    ├── elasticsearch.py          # Elacticsearch database
    │    │    ├── mail.py                   # Email module
    │    │    └── storage.py                # Minio storage
    │    ├── exceptions                     # Customized exceptions
    │    ├── managers                       # Functions to interact with resources
    │    ├── models                         # Resources
    │    ├── storage                        # Storage blueprint
    │    ├── app.py                         # Create app
    │    └── config.py                      # JWT config
    ├── templates                           # Html templates for emails
    ├── DockerFile                          # Launch script
    ├── requirements.txt                    # Packages and dependencies
    ├── run.py                              # Run the app
    └── worker.py                           # Register the worker


No need to spend some precious time on authentication! The template contains a full built-in JWT module that allows three types of authentication:

We will see how to quickly set up the auth module with your own credentials for Google and Facebook and with your own email address to send emails to activate an account or to change a password for example.

Login gif

Getting started


You will need the following to run the template:

Installing the template

Clone this repository on your machine by running

$ cookiecutter https://github.com/antoinebrtd/flask-vue-template.git

You wil be prompted some questions about your options, and the template will be cloned with your desired ones!

That's it! Now let's configure your app.


Setting up HTTPS

Note: You can skip this part if you don't want your app running under Https locally. Just remove the devServer field in front/vue.config.js, and modify the localhost urls in back/config/config.dev.json and front/.env.development. Know that Facebook login might not work under Http.

To run the app under Https in development mode, you will need to create your own certificates.

Install mkcert for your OS. Initialize it with

$ mkcert -install

Then create a certs folder in the front folder. You can create your self-signed certificates for the frontend server by running

$ cd ~/<YOUR_REPO_NAME>/front/certs && mkcert localhost

This will create two files, localhost.pem and localhost-key.pem, in front/certs.

Repeat the operation for the backend server: create a certs folder in the back folder, then run

$ cd ../../back/certs && mkcert localhost

Https is now configured!

Setting up authentication

Warning: The files config.json, facebook.json and google.json you will create in this section contain your credentials. They are ignored in the repo tree and should never be pushed on Github. There is no need to edit the file config.dev.json, also make sure not to add any credentials in it, since this one is pushed on Github.

The authentication module is already integrated in the template. All you need to do is to make it work with your own credentials.

Email module

In back/config, create a file named config.json, and copy paste the content of config.dev.json in it.

Modify config.json to add your email and password in the email section. Then, in back/app/core/mail.py, modify line 62 with your email and the name you want to appear in mailboxes.

Note: If you are using a Gmail address, make sure to authorize apps.

Facebook module

Log in your Facebook developer account, and create an new app ID. Then, under products, add the Facebook login product. In settings, add localhost in app domains field.

In back/config, create a file named facebook.json, and copy paste the following, replacing with your credentials:

    "app_id": "your_app_id",
    "project_id": "your_project_name",
    "auth_uri": "https://www.facebook.com/v5.0/dialog/oauth",
    "token_uri": "https://graph.facebook.com/v5.0/oauth/access_token",
    "client_secret": "your_client_secret_key",
    "app_token": "your_app_token",
    "redirect_uris": [
    "javascript_origins": [

You can check how to obtain an access token for your app.

Google module

Log in your Google console platform, and create a new project. Create an external authorization screen (just fill in your app name), then create some new OAuth credentials under credentials section. In the javascript origins field, add http://localhost:8080 and https://localhost:8080. In redirect URIs, add http://localhost:5000/auth/google/callback and https://localhost:5000/auth/google/callback. Save and you're good to go!

Just download the config file directly from the credentials section, rename it google.json and move it to back/config. Your file should look like this:

  "web": {
    "client_id": "your_app_id",
    "project_id": "your_project_name",
    "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
    "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
    "client_secret": "your_client_secret_key",
    "redirect_uris": [
    "javascript_origins": [

Authentication module is set up!

Run the app

Launch the frontend

Navigate to front folder, and install dependencies:

$ npm install

Start the development server:

$ npm start

Launch the backend

From the front folder, run the following to launch the docker containers:

$ cd .. && docker-compose up -d

Create a virtual environment in the backend folder:

$ cd back && python3 -m venv /venv

Install the requirements in it:

$ source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch the api server, the worker and the scheduler:

$ python run.py
$ rq worker -c <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>.core.cache
$ python clock.py

Your app is now running, enjoy!
