Important Links

  1. Demo link
  2. Contract Address
  3. Contract Creator
  4. Tx Hash of contract creation

E- Voting

Electoral integrity is essential not just for democratic nations but also for state voter’s trust and liability. Political voting methods are crucial in this respect. From a government standpoint, electronic voting technologies can boost voter participation and confidence and rekindle interest in the voting system.

The electronic voting protocols have a single controller that oversees the whole voting process. This technique leads to erroneous selections due to the central authority’s dishonesty (election commission), which is difficult to rectify using existing methods. The decentralized network may be used as a modern electronic voting technique to circumvent the central authority.

Electronic voting systems must be legitimate, accurate, safe, and convenient when used for elections. It has great potential to decrease organizational costs and increase voter turnout. It eliminates the need to print ballot papers or open polling stations—voters can vote from wherever there is an Internet connection.adoption may be limited by potential problems associated with electronic voting systems. Blockchain technology came into the ground to overcome these issues and offers decentralized nodes for electronic voting and is used to produce electronic voting systems mainly because of their end-to-end verification advantages.

Problem Statement

In democracies around the world, voting is considered a fundamental process for the citizens of a country to have a say in the people who represent them or an issue that impacts them. In days after American independence, voting usually took place via viva voce, or by voice vote. Later on in 1634, Massachusetts became the first state to elect its governor using paper ballots.

For many years, democracies around the world stayed with paper ballots and later moved on to electronic voting machines. Despite system checks, safeguard procedures, and election protocols, these machines are not tamper proof. The critics believe that the proprietary code by which the electronic voting machines operate are secret and can be manipulated. As a result governments around the world have been exploring blockchain as a medium to make the general elections tamper proof and transparent. A system where everyone trusts the data as it is since counterfeit is not possible.


In comparison to the conventional voting methods, e-voting has enhanced both the efficiency and the integrity of the process. Because of its flexibility, simplicity of use, and cheap cost compared to general elections, electronic voting is widely utilised in various decisions .

Despite this, existing electronic voting methods run the danger of over-authority and manipulated details, limiting fundamental fairness, privacy, secrecy, anonymity, and transparency in the voting process. Since the e-voting procedures are centralised, licensed by the critical authority, controlled, measured, and monitored in an electronic voting system, is a problem itself for a transparent voting process. Recent controversies in modern democracies such as USA and India amplifies the argument.

It is essential to ensure that assurance in voting does not diminish. In this project we will try to leverage blockchain to fix shortcomings in today’s method in elections and make the polling mechanism clear and accessible, stop illegal voting, strengthen the data protection, and transparent outcome of the polling process. Because of the distributed structure of the blockchain, a smart contract based electronic voting system reduces the risks involved with electronic voting and allows for a tamper-proof for the voting system.

Implementation of electronic voting:


  • Aadhar card as user unique indentification.
  • Smart Contract consisting of all the rules and protocols required for e-voting.
  • Blockchain Network to deploy the Contract. We have used Rinkeby for our contract.
  • Website for user Interface where voter can vote. We have created webpage with React & Native Base.


  • Digital print of the Voters (Aadhar card) containing all the info with voting eligibility data like age, state, district and constituency codes, Indian Penal Code information etc updated by Govt. of India.
  • Eligible voters have to register themselves in the constituency where they live, upon which Govt. will update all the info to Aadhar card. Individuals are not permitted to participate in the electoral process if they have not registered or do not possess an Aadhar card.
  • Only Election Chief can start/update Voting timelines.
  • One nation one election

Who can Vote:

  • As per the Indian Constitution, all Indian citizens above the age of 18 years who have registered themselves as voters are eligible to vote. These individuals can vote in national, state, district as well as local government body elections.
  • No individual can be detained or prevented from voting, unless they fulfil the criteria for disqualification. Every voter is allowed one vote only. A voter can vote at the constituency where he has registered himself.
  • Aadhar card should be valid and linked with constituency code.

Who cannot vote:

  • If an individual votes in more than one constituency, his vote is disqualified.
  • Already casted vote.
  • Voter’s constituency code not matched with ongoing Election constituencies.

How can you vote:

  • Login via Aadhar no. and otp
  • If your Aadhar’s constituency code matches with ongoing election, it will show you the Election Vote dashboard else you are not allowed to vote. If the election process is still going on, it will give the option to vote.

    Click Vote -> Select Candidate -> Done

  • Vote Casted to selected Candidate
  • Final Candidate List with vote count will be displayed after the election voting process is completed.
  • You are not allowed to vote/update-vote to different candidate again.
  • You are not allowed to vote after Election session ends.

e-Voting Requirements and Compliance by the Proposed System

  • Privacy - Keeping an individual’s vote secret

  • Eligibility - Allowing only registered voters to vote, with each such voter voting only once

  • Receipt Freeness - Voters should be unable to prove to a third party that they voted in a particular way

  • Convenience - Voters must be able to vote easily, and everyone who is eligible must be able to vote

  • Verifiability - The ability to trust the vote tallying process

Let's start with E-Voting Smart Contracts

Do platform Setup!

Solidity Functions


     * @notice To check if the voter's age is greater than or equal to 18
     * @param currentTime_ Current epoch time of the voter
    modifier votingLinesAreOpen(uint256 currentTime_) {
        require(currentTime_ >= votingStartTime);
        require(currentTime_ <= votingEndTime);

     * @notice To check if the voter's age is greater than or equal to 18
     * @param voterAadhar_ Aadhar number of the current voter
     * @param nominationNumber_ Aadhar number of the candidate
    modifier isEligibleVote(uint256 voterAadhar_, uint256 nominationNumber_) {
        Types.Voter memory voter_ = voter[voterAadhar_];
        Types.Candidate memory politician_ = candidate[nominationNumber_];
        require(voter_.age >= 18);
        require(voter_.votedTo != 0);
            (politician_.stateCode == voter_.stateCode &&
                politician_.constituencyCode == voter_.constituencyCode)

     * @notice To check if the user is Election Chief or not
    modifier isElectionChief() {
        require(msg.sender == electionChief);

Voting timelines

  • Voting will only be opened between a particular date(s) & election chief has the right to update the start & end dates of the voting process.
  • start date can only be updated only if the voting process is not started yet
  • Can extend the voting end date after the voting is started & before the voting is ended
     * @dev used to update the voting start & end times
     * @param startTime_ Start time that needs to be updated
     * @param currentTime_ Current time that needs to be updated
    function updateVotingStartTime(uint256 startTime_, uint256 currentTime_)
        require(votingStartTime > currentTime_);
        votingStartTime = startTime_;

     * @dev To extend the end of the voting
     * @param endTime_ End time that needs to be updated
     * @param currentTime_ Current time that needs to be updated
    function extendVotingTime(uint256 endTime_, uint256 currentTime_)
        require(votingStartTime < currentTime_);
        require(votingEndTime > currentTime_);
        votingEndTime = endTime_;


Everyone can check the voting results once the voting lines are closed

     * @dev sends all candidate list with their votes count
     * @param currentTime_ Current epoch time of length 10.
     * @return candidateList_ List of Candidate objects with votes count
    function getResults(uint256 currentTime_)
        returns (Types.Results[] memory)
        require(votingEndTime < currentTime_);
        Types.Results[] memory resultsList_ = new Types.Results[](
        // Since the candidates will be lesser in count than voter.
        // So looping is acceptable.
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
            resultsList_[i] = Types.Results({
                name: candidates[i].name,
                partyShortcut: candidates[i].partyShortcut,
                partyFlag: candidates[i].partyFlag,
                nominationNumber: candidates[i].nominationNumber,
                stateCode: candidates[i].stateCode,
                constituencyCode: candidates[i].constituencyCode,
                voteCount: votesCount[candidates[i].nominationNumber]
        return resultsList_;

Custom Types

    struct Voter {
        uint256 aadharNumber; // voter unique ID
        string name;
        uint8 age;
        uint8 stateCode;
        uint8 constituencyCode;
        bool isAlive;
        uint256 votedTo; // aadhar number of the candidate

    struct Candidate {
        // Note: If we can limit the length to a certain number of bytes,
        // we can use one of bytes1 to bytes32 because they are much cheaper

        string name;
        string partyShortcut;
        string partyFlag;
        uint256 nominationNumber; // unique ID of candidate
        uint8 stateCode;
        uint8 constituencyCode;

    struct Results {
        string name;
        string partyShortcut;
        string partyFlag;
        uint256 voteCount; // number of accumulated votes
        uint256 nominationNumber; // unique ID of candidate
        uint8 stateCode;
        uint8 constituencyCode;

Voting Methods

Function Name Input Params Return Value Description
isVoterEligible() voterAadharNumber Boolean voterEligible_ To check whether voter is eligible to vote or not based on the pre-defined assumptions like the age greater than or equal to 18 & is alive
didCurrentVoterVoted() voterAadharNumber Boolean userVoted_,
To check if the current voter has casted their vote or not. If voted then returns the candidate object to whom he/she casted their vote to
getVotingEndTime() - End time in epoch To get the voting end time
getCandidateList() voterAadharNumber Candidate[] To get the list of candidates who belongs to the current voter constituency
vote() nominationNumber of candidate,
current Time in epoch
- To cast one's vote to a particular candidate who belong to their own constituency
getResults() current time in epoch Results[] To get the voting results. Can be called by anyone but only after the voting lines are closed
updateVotingStartTime() start time in epoch,
current time in epoch
- To update the voting start date & time (Can only be called prior to voting start)
extendVotingTime() end time in epoch,
current time in epoch
- To extend the voting timelines (Can only be done once voting process starts & before the voting ends)


Compiler: solc: 0.8.12+commit.f00d7308

Truffle: v5.5.2

Node: v14.17.0

Quick Start

  1. cd into project repro

    cd E-Voting
    cd blockchain
  2. download node libraries

    npm install
  3. Download/Start ganache

  1. Compiling contracts

    truffle compile
  2. Migrating to ganache

Note depending on ganache cli/ui you my need to change truffle.js port settings Current listing on port : 7545

    truffle migrate --network development  --reset --all
  1. Testing on ganache

    truffle test
  2. Switch to FrontEnd & Testing

Note Change settings to your Contract address to point to local

      cd ..
      cd front-end
      npm install
      npm start
  1. Migrating to Rinkeby

Note Change truffle settings to your Contract Creator address within the "from" rinkeby configuration

    truffle migrate --network rinkeby  --reset --all
  1. Start FrontEnd on Rinkeby

Note Revert back all your local configurations & configure it to point to rinkeby

    npm start

Test Voters

User Name Aadhar Number State Constituency Age isAlive
Suresh 482253918244 Andhra Pradesh Guntur 21
Ramesh 532122269467 Andhra Pradesh Guntur 37
Mahesh 468065932286 Andhra Pradesh Guntur 26
Krishna 809961147437 Andhra Pradesh Krishna 19
Narendra 908623597782 Andhra Pradesh Krishna 36
Raghu 760344621247 Andhra Pradesh Krishna 42
Pushkar Kumar 908704156902 Bihar Patna 25
Kunal Kumar 778925466180 Bihar Patna 37
Aausi 756623869645 Bihar Patna 85
Ruchika 967746320661 Bihar Patna 26
Rambabu 727938171119 Bihar Patna 17
Matajii 609015917688 Bihar Patna 98
Kumar Sanket 393071790055 Bihar Dehri 29
Pratik 983881786161 Bihar Dehri 40
Pratiba 588109459505 Bihar Dehri 68
Mamata 620107691388 Bihar Dehri 63
Ravi Varma 403561319377 Bihar Dehri 42
Rahul 837970229674 Bihar Dehri 56

Politicians who participate in elections

Candidate Name Party Name State Constituency
Chandra Babu Naidu TDP Andhra Pradesh Guntur
Jagan Mohan Reddy YSRCP Andhra Pradesh Guntur
G V Anjaneyulu TDP Andhra Pradesh Krishna
Anil Kumar Yadav YSRCP Andhra Pradesh Krishna
Narendra Modi BJP Bihar Patna
Rahul Gandhi INC Bihar Patna
Tejaswi Yadav RJD Bihar Patna
Arvind Kejriwal AAP Bihar Patna
Mamata Banarjee TMC Bihar Patna
Jyoti Basu CPIM Bihar Patna
Amit Shah BJP Bihar Dehri
Priyanka Gandhi INC Bihar Dehri
Lalu Yadav RJD Bihar Dehri
Manish Sisodia AAP Bihar Dehri
Prakash Karat CPIM Bihar Dehri

Team ✨

Meet the amazing team who developed this project.

Suresh Konakanchi

💻 📖 🚧

Pushkar Kumar

💻 📖 🚧

Ruchika Gupta

💻 📖 🚧

Sample Images