
WIP tool that badly converts python to a mishmash of java and python lol. Just a random project for practice.

Primary LanguagePython

Python to Java Converter (A Thought Experiment Work in Progress)

This Python script provides a simple way to convert Python code to Java code. It's a thought experiment and should be treated as a work in progress. The converter is not perfect and has several limitations. It is intended for educational purposes and to showcase the possibilities of converting code between programming languages. This again was just done for fun lol. I knew full well the output would be gibberish. This is juust fun for me. 

Intent of the Script

The intent of this script is to take Python code as input and output a rough equivalent in Java code. It is intended to provide a starting point for developers when converting Python code to Java code.

How to Use

1. Run the "run.bat" file to launch the Python to Java Converter. This will create and activate a virtual environment if one does not already exist.
2. Click the "Browse" button to select a Python file to convert.
3. Click the "Convert" button to generate the Java equivalent of the selected Python code.
4. The converted Java code will be displayed in the output area.


This converter has several limitations and may not accurately convert complex or advanced Python code to Java. Some of these limitations include:

1. It does not handle Python libraries that do not have direct Java equivalents.
2. It may not handle complex data structures or algorithms accurately.
3. It does not handle Python's dynamic typing, and you may need to manually add type information to the generated Java code.
4. Some Python language constructs may not have direct equivalents in Java, and the converter may not handle them correctly.

Please note that the output generated by the converter should be reviewed and modified as needed to ensure that it accurately represents the intended functionality.

Thought Experiment Work in Progress

This script is a thought experiment and a work in progress. It should not be relied upon for production code conversions or mission-critical projects. It is intended to provide a starting point for developers and to showcase the possibilities of converting code between programming languages. The reason why I wanted to do this script is because while the script can't possible work without the assistance of Machine learning, it does help learning what does what as I write lines to convert from python to Java. This seemed like a fun nonsinsical way to familiarize myself with the differences. 

Please use the script with caution and understand that it may not accurately convert all Python code to Java. ChatGPT wrote most of this readme. I like the formatting of it.