This repo will include the installation and implementation of Ruby on Rails framework step by step, it also uses RubyGems as a software package system.
helloRails This repo will include the installation and implementation of Ruby on Rails framework step by step, it also uses RubyGems as a software package system.
🛠 Built With Ruby
- Add the logic for all ruby classes and their methods according to the UML graph
- Add simple terminal user interface for user interaction
- Save records to json files
- Load records from json files
- Add the layout schema files to be used in the future to link the app with sql database
- Rspec test Units for all methods used on each class
- Used linter workflow for more organized code
- Link the project to a sql database
- Make a graphical user interface
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
- Open your Terminal in your VSCode.
- Navigate to the desired directory[folder] to which you want to clone the repository to
- git clone you find in the code button
- Run
blunder i
to install the gemfiles to your end - To run the app
ruby main.rb
you will see the user interface
To run and modify this project you need:
- GitHub account
- VSCode (or another code editor)
- gemfile installed
- basic Knowledge of Git Commands
- basic Knowledge of the Terminal Commands
- Ruby language
- PostgreSQL
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
Example commands:
cd my-folder
git clone
To install all dependencies run the following command:
gem install
will install all the gem files included in this repo- if you have the gem bundler installed type in
bundler i
- to run the program
ruby main.rb
suggusted VSC extentions:
- Prettier Extention in VScode
- Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code
- Save Typing
- code spell checker
- ruby solargraph
👤 GeekyHacks
- GitHub: Geekyhacks
- Twitter: Geekydart
- LinkedIn: Abdullah Nasser
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
If you like this project please don't hesitate to support me with your valued contribution and don't forget to star the repo to reach more people.
I would like to thank...
- Microverse Review Team
- Microverse Community in Slack
- My mentor @justice
Can I clone this project ?**
- Of course you can as long as you fork it and star it Can I contribute to this project?**
- all contributions are welcomed
This project is MIT licensed.