This code was forked from
This code is used to control RGB strips using the Open-Smart Arduino controller that I obtained from DealExtreme:
A test rig was created for testing the software before creating the final unit. See
Place into the same directory as your code.
In your code, import the file:
from ledstrip import LEDStrip
Create a new LED Strip which uses your chosen pins (CLK and DAT) with, e.g.:
CLK = 17
DAT = 18
strip = LEDStrip(CLK, DAT)
Set the colour of the LED strip with
strip.setcolorrgb(red, green, blue):
The following methods are public:
setcolourrgb(r, g, b) - Sets the LED strip to colour rgb where r, g, b are in the range 0 to 255
setcolourwhite() - Sets the strip to white
setcolourred() - Sets the strip to Red
setcolourgreen() - Sets the strip to Green
setcolourblue() - Sets the strip to Blue
setcolouroff() - Turns the strip off
setcolourhex('hex') - Sets the LED strip to the hex colour 'hex' in range '000000' to 'FFFFFF'