
golang build tool in the spirt of Rake, Gulp, Projmate

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



godo is a task runner and file watcher for golang in the spirit of rake, gulp.

To install

go get -u gopkg.in/godo.v1/cmd/godo


godo runs either Gododir/Godofile.go or tasks/Godofile.go.

As an example, create a file Gododir/Godofile.go with this content

package main

import (
    . "gopkg.in/godo.v1"

func Tasks(p *Project) {
    Env = "GOPATH=.vendor::$GOPATH PG_PASSWORD=dev"

    p.Task("default", D{"hello", "build"})

    p.Task("hello", func() {
        Bash("echo Hello $USER!")

    p.Task("build", W{"**/*.go"}, func() {
        Run("GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build", In{"cmd/server"})

    p.Task("views", W{"templates/**/*.go.html"}, func() {
        Run("razor templates")

    p.Task("server", D{"views"}, W{"**/*.go"}, Debounce(3000), func() {
        // Start recompiles and restarts on changes when watching
        Start("main.go", In{"cmd/server"})

func main() {

To run "server" task from parent dir of tasks/

godo server

To rerun "server" and its dependencies whenever any *.go.html or *.go file changes

godo server --watch

To run the "default" task which runs "hello" and "views"


Task names may add a "?" suffix to execute only once even when watching

// build once regardless of number of dependents
p.Task("build?", func() {})

Task options

D{} or Dependencies{} - dependent tasks which run before task
Debounce              - minimum milliseconds before task can run again
W{} or Watches{}      - array of glob file patterns to watch

    /**/   - match zero or more directories
    {a,b}  - match a or b, no spaces
    *      - match any non-separator char
    ?      - match a single non-separator char
    **/    - match any directory, start of pattern only
    /**    - match any in this directory, end of pattern only
    !      - removes files from resultset, start of pattern only

Task handlers

func() {}           - Simple function handler
func(c *Context) {} - Handler which accepts the current context

Exec functions


Bash functions uses the bash executable and may not run on all OS.

Run a bash script string. The script can be multine line with continutation.

    echo -n $USER
    echo some really long \

Run a bash script and capture STDOUT and STDERR.

output, err := BashOutput(`echo -n $USER`)


Run go build inside of cmd/app and set environment variables.

Run(`GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build`, In{"cmd/app"})

Run and capture STDOUT and STDERR

output, err := RunOutput("whoami")


Start an async command. If the executable has suffix ".go" then it will be "go install"ed then executed. Use this for watching a server task.

Start("main.go", In{"cmd/app"})

Godo tracks the pid of the Start async function to restart an application gracefully.


To run many commands inside a directory, use Inside instead of the In option. Inside changes the working directory.

Inside("somedir", func() {

Godofile Run-Time Environment

To specify whether to inherit from parent's process environment, set InheritParentEnv. This setting defaults to true

InheritParentEnv = false

To specify the base environment for your tasks, set Env. Separate with whitespace or newlines.

Env = `

Functions can add or override environment variables as part of the command string. Note that environment variables are set before the executable similar to a shell; however, the Run and Start functions do not use a shell.

p.Task("build", func() {
    Run("GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build" )

The effective environment for exec functions is: parent (if inherited) <- Env <- func parsed env

Paths should use :: as a cross-platform path list separator. On Windows :: is replaced with ;. On Mac and linux :: is replaced with :.