
RDF's Discord bot, Warlock.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

!! Discord.IO has since been depricated. Warlockbot is not getting updated anymore until I find motivation to develop another bot !!


RDF's Discord bot, Warlock.

WARLOCK requires discord.io. Simply follow the instructions on that page, and download discord.io.

(WARLOCK might be put to a different module for discord bots later on.)

Please refrain from copying WARLOCK exactly. You are free to base your bot of WARLOCK, and use the code in your own bot. WARLOCK is entirely open source, so if you want to make changes or update the bot, feel free.


WARLOCK was created for school. For the class Innovation. The purpose is to learn about new things in the field of Web Development that may change the future of my (or our) career. At the end of a certain time period, I'm supposed to hold a workshop for the class on how to develop a discord bot. At the end of that workshop, the least everyone should be able to do is write a discord bot that can reply to basic commands.



The sources I used are as follows;

Discord.io documentation

Discord bot tutorial (This tutorial is the main reason I'm using Discord.io)


Since recent, my bots haven't worked for a while. Apparently this is because the V5 gateway is deprecated. I had not heard about this, but it's easily solved.

To Solve this issue all you have to do is instead of using

   npm install discord.io


   npm install woor/discord.io#gateway_v6


This bot isn't made to make guilds / servers easier to manage. It's allot of bullshit I'll be honest. It's made for school, but ended up as a personal project filled with inside-jokes with me and my friends. If anything's offensive, don't take it personal, it's just a joke (probably). Anyway, if you do decide to use this bot, when it becomes public, I hope you do enjoy my little creation. Eventually this bot will be able to manage users and play music, so it won't be too bad to have on your guild / server.

So yeah, this bot WILL record your user info like username and ID for future refference / use. Altough it hasn't been implemented yet, it will be soon. Please be warned before you use this bot, I am not to be held accountable if suddenly some random dude sends you a message. The user JSON won't be public so it should be safe.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! You can freely use this as a mold too. Soon I'll add a mold with tutorials etc.