A website for the Digital Arts and Code community (in the building)
- Make a fork on Github
- Download that fork onto your computer
- Initialize local repository
- Make changes to code
- Push code back to your forked repository
- Make a pull request to this one
- VSCode has great and easy git integration, but you do not have to use it.
- ✅ Make bottom slanted blue bar smaller, make it repsonsively resize for mobile.
- ✅ Add Github repo link to bottom blue bar, plus "Our club members made this website!"
- ✅ Think about menu bar (Decision: add back when we make the mission and showcase page)
- ✅ Fix the read more bar to only show on mobile.
- ✅ Make flexible showcase cards (image, title, link).
- ✅ Make the display (rows and columns) of showcase cards responsive.
- ✅ Make title responsive and get smaller when on mobile.
- ✅ Change title to just "digital arts and code"
- ✅ Add slogan; "for students, by students", "A Community for San Diego Students", "San Diego, California"
- ✅ Change mission title to "Who are we?", then explain who we are lol
- Outline Discord icon as more important.
- (PR task) Create Twitter account, add link.
- ✅ Add correct mailto email and subject after getting email from brenden.
- ✅ Add club icon to the website tab.
- ✅ Permanent join link for Discord.
- Make 'see more ->' for showcase and last showcase preview card visible on mobile (it hides under the blue tab at the bottom of the screen).
- Maybe remove blue bar and make the text on the bottom just without a background.
- Fix height of showcase and mission statement side of homepage when screen is > 992px but < 1400px.
- Possibly remove mission statement and just transfer it all to the mission page.
- (EASY) fix arrow pointing toward Discord icon so it works on mobile (you have to get an SVG arrow).