- 修复svnstat启动时版本比较报错问题
Subversion binary is incorrect version. Found: 1.13.0, required: 1.3.0 Updating
- 修复diff版本判断出错,使用旧diff的问题
- 修复URLDecoder中解析path时,包含特殊字符"%"&"+"会异常退出的问题
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern
- 升级了lib下的svnkit、jna等依赖库到目前的最新版
- 使用Pattern预编译regex优化字符串匹配和替换过程
- 默认扩大了部分线程池大小
- SvnPropgetUtils中文件列表改为使用HashSet存储,避免ArrayList的contains操作耗时,提升性能
- 设置默认WARNNIG级别日志输出,且输出到启动目录
** 推荐使用 -svnkit 选项,使用java的客户端进行svn操作,避免反复启动process **
StatSVN is a statistics tool for SVN repositories. It generates HTML reports from SVN log files.
The StatSVN manual is located here: http://svn.statsvn.org/statsvnwiki/index.php/UserManual
- Download the latest release from here.
- Expand the zip file into some directory, e.g C:\statsvn
- Check out a working copy of the desired SVN module into some directory, e.g. C:\myproject.
- Change into that directory and type
svn log --xml -v > svn.log
- Change back to the c:\statsvn directory
- Type
java -jar statsvn.jar C:\myproject\svn.log C:\myproject
- Open C:\statsvn\index.html in your web browser
You can tweak the output of StatSVN in various ways. Run java -jar statsvn.jar
for an overview of the command line parameters, and check the manual for full information.