Distributed Computing WebWorker

This project is a system for distributed computing in which the computation happens in the browser using WebAssembly.

This allows for using any device that supports WebAssembly to participate in the system and take on tasks.


The project consists of the following components:

  1. Database

    PostgreSQL has been selected as the database provider.

  2. API server

    Handles user authentication, allows for managing tasks, assigns subtasks to nodes.

    ASP.NET Core 2.2 is used as the framework.

  3. Administrator dashboard

    A dashboard for managing tasks and viewing the status of the system.

    It is written in React.

  4. Distributed node dashboard

    A dashboard for clients that connect as distributed nodes.

    Displays node's status, as well as manages the computation.

    It is written in React and uses WebWorkers for doing the computation on multiple background threads.

  5. Frontend server

    A server that delivers both administrator and distributed node dashboards to users.

    Next.js is used as the server, as it allows for Server-Side rendering React.

  6. Reverse proxy

    A reverse proxy in front of the frontend server and the API server.

    Clients connect to the proxy and it forwards their requests internally in the system.

    nginx is used as the reverse proxy server.

More information regarding the frontend server, as well as the administrator dashboard and the distributed node dashboard is available in frontend/README.md.

General prerequisites

The following are needed for both deploying and developing the project:



This project uses docker and docker-compose to containerize all the components of the system.

To build server locally and deploy it on the remote machine, run the following commands in the main directory of the repository:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build --no-start
docker save distributed-computing-webworker_backend distributed-computing-webworker_frontend postgres nginx | gzip > docker_images.tar.gz

docker_images.tar.gz, docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.prod.yml should now be copied to the deployment server, e.g. using scp.

scp docker_images.tar.gz docker-compose.yml docker-compose.prod.yml username@production:~

After docker_images.tar.gz, docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.prod.yml are copied to the deployment server, run the following commands on it:

gunzip -c ~/docker_images.tar.gz | docker load
rm ~/docker_images.tar.gz
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d

The project should now be running on the remote machine and it should be accessible on http://production.


To start the project, run the following command in the main directory of the repository:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d

This will build and download all the required docker images and run containers in a separate docker network.

After the command completes, the project will be accessible on http://localhost.


Run the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml down

Rebuild images

Keep in mind that running the Startup command again will use the cached images and not rebuild them. Therefore, any changes made to the source code will not be reflected.

To fix this issue, the images have to be rebuilt. This can happen when starting up the project:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build


While developing it is recommended to run only some of the services as docker containers (i.e. the database and the proxy) and run the API server and the frontend server on the host machine (i.e. your PC).

Development prerequisites

Linux-specific development prerequisites

  • Install latest mono.
  • Set an enviroment variable with the path to the mono compiler
    • export FrameworkPathOverride=/usr/lib/mono/4.5/
    • it is recommended to persist this environment variable in the system (e.g. add it to ~/.bash_profile on Ubuntu or the equivalent on other operating systems)

Post-installation steps

After the installation of the prerequisites, run the following commands to download the dependencies and set up the database and the proxy:

# Download dependencies
dotnet restore
nuget restore

# Build the project
dotnet build

# Startup the database and the proxy
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d

The proxy will listen on port 80 (http://localhost).

The last command will also start a dockerhost service that allows the proxy container to access the services that are ran on the host machine (i.e. the API server and the frontend server).

Running the API server

To run the API server (located in the Server directory), run the following command:

dotnet run -p Server

This will start the server on port 5000.

Take a look at the frontend server's readme for information on how to run the frontend server in development mode.

Generating the documentation

Backend and library

In order to generate documentation doxygen must be installed.

Run the following command from main project directory to generate the documentation for the project:


The documentation will be generated in the docs directory.


HTML document

Documentation is available under http://localhost:5000/swagger when the Server is running in Debug configuration (when using dotnet run).


In order to generate OpenAPI json file, the Server must be built with the following command:

 dotnet build /p:GenerateSwaggerDocumentation=True

After running the mentioned command, swagger.json will be generated in Server/docs.

End-to-end tests


To run end-to-end tests, first run the Docker containers in the development environment:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d

Afterwards, build the frontend project:

cd frontend
npm build

Running the tests

First, run the server with the ServerE2ETests launch-profile:

dotnet run -p Server --launch-profile ServerE2ETests

Using this launch profile will make sure that the database is pristine upon launch. Moreover, this will use a separate database, therefore no development data will be lost.

Then, start the frontend server:

npm start

After that, in another console, run the following command to run the end-to-end tests:

npm run cypress:run

The tests will be run in a headless browser and their results will be visible in the console.