Pinned Repositories
This assignment helps the participant to understand the lifecycle of the activity. And also, gives an idea about how to navigate from one activity to another
This assignment is for a Android developer at L1 level to get an understanding on how to use animations on UI controls in Android
Android development assesment
Develop an application which will display a user interface for calculator and implement the mathematical operations for the application. This app should have an activity to display the calculator UI and a Java file which will have the code implemented for the operations
To understand the implementation of Custom Lists in Android. By default, a List View control in android shows a set of text views to present some content to the end-user. At times, we may want to customize the list view content to present more information about the content being displayed. In such cases, we have to implement the custom lists. Develop and application which contains a custom list for a set of players.
This assignment is for a Android developer at L1 level to get an understanding on how to use the dialog boxes support in Android . Android comes with a set of dialog boxes which the programmer can use at appropriate times for an application
This assignment helps a participant to gain the knowledge on dynamically creating the user interface in Android. Participant will also learn how to use a App bar for a activity
This assignment is for a Android developer at L1 level to understand how to work with the file system in android and working with fonts
Android based register application
GelmisBartulis's Repositories
Android based register application
This assignment helps the participant to understand the lifecycle of the activity. And also, gives an idea about how to navigate from one activity to another
This assignment is for a Android developer at L1 level to get an understanding on how to use animations on UI controls in Android
Android development assesment
Develop an application which will display a user interface for calculator and implement the mathematical operations for the application. This app should have an activity to display the calculator UI and a Java file which will have the code implemented for the operations
To understand the implementation of Custom Lists in Android. By default, a List View control in android shows a set of text views to present some content to the end-user. At times, we may want to customize the list view content to present more information about the content being displayed. In such cases, we have to implement the custom lists. Develop and application which contains a custom list for a set of players.
This assignment is for a Android developer at L1 level to get an understanding on how to use the dialog boxes support in Android . Android comes with a set of dialog boxes which the programmer can use at appropriate times for an application
This assignment helps a participant to gain the knowledge on dynamically creating the user interface in Android. Participant will also learn how to use a App bar for a activity
This assignment is for a Android developer at L1 level to understand how to work with the file system in android and working with fonts
Develop an app to create a login screen using the linear layout using nested layouts and create the same layout for the login screen using relative layout. Can create multiple activities to navigate from one screen to another within the same application to demonstrate the working of the 3 layouts and also navigating from one activity to another.
MABS - Money Advice and Budgeting Service
SeekBar changing colors
This assignment helps the participant knowing how to work with data in Android. Participant will learn how to make the activity state persistent using Shared preferences
This assignment helps a participant to gain the knowledge on programming user interface at runtime without having the UI design through XML
This assignment will help in understanding how to update/pick the contact info from pre-built contacts application in Android Develop an application which will have an activity to show the interface as shown below in the prototype images section. Key Requirements for the application: Activity should have a UI for taking the input from user for fields like name, emailid, and phone number. User will enter values into each of these fields and clicks on the “UPDATE CONTACT” button which in turn has to update the contacts info to the contacts app. Validations has to be taken care for prompting the user to enter the valid information into each of the fields, a toast has to be shown to the user indicating at least one field has to be entered to update the contacts. If the user clicks on the “PICK CONTACT” button, the contacts should be opened for the user to select a contact and upon selecting the contact, the fields for name, email and phone has to be populated with the values returned from the contacts app for the selected contact. 1. Ensure to check for the null values while updating the contact 2. Update Contact button should be enabled/disabled appropriately