Rest Client module


  • initializing a rest request "on one line" using an interface in the style of spring repositories;
  • interceptors functionality before and after the request;
  • support reactive HTTP client.


Add Rest Client to your project. for maven projects just add this dependency:


A typical use of IoC would be:

public class MainTest {
    public static void main(String... args) {, args);

A component usage would be:

@Mapping(alias = "github-service") //annotation of component marked is a rest client service
public interface RestGateway {
	 * Get all repos met-information by user name.
	 * @param userName - github user name
	 * @return json string
	@ServiceMapping(path = "/users/${userName}/repos", method = GET) //annotation marked is a method calling rest resource
	@Type(type = ArrayList.class)
	Mono<ArrayList> getRepos(@PathVariable("userName") String userName);

A component dependency usage would be:

    @Autowired // marked field for scanner found dependency
    private RestGateway restGateway;

Create custom interceptor.

@RestInterceptor(aliases = "github-service") // marked as intercept request for github-service
public class TestInterceptor implements Interceptor {
	public void preHandle(Object[] args, Object body, HttpHeaders headers) {
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug("Pre handling request of github-service, args: [{}], body: [{}], headers: [{}]", args, body, headers);

	public void postHandle(ResponseEntity<?> responseEntity) {
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug("Post handling request of github-service, entity: [{}]", responseEntity);


public class MainTest {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        final ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);
        final RestGateway restGateway = channel.getType(RestGateway.class);
        final Mono<ArrayList> response = restGateway.getRepos("gencloud");
        response.doOnSuccess(list -> 
      "Received response: {}", list))


Pull requests are welcomed!!

The license is GNU GPL V3.

This library is published as an act of giving and generosity, from developers to developers.
