
An example repo with ory kratos, keto, oathkeepr on k8s with nix

Primary LanguageShell

Ory Kratos, Keto, and Oathkeeper with Kubernetes

This example show how create an SSO and ACL system with the Ory stack and Kubernetes. It uses Nix to set up install kustomize and setup the minikube environment.

Adapted from Ory examples repo


This example uses the kratos-selfservice-ui-node, a fork of mailslurper and a react-admin app for the admin page.

schema (This is an outline and does not exactly reflect the reality of how the stack works)



Initial Setup

Step 1 Bootstrap the cluster

# Get all prerequisites
$ nix-build default.nix

# Start cluster
minikube start

# Enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress

# Create cluster resources
$ ./build.sh | kubectl apply -f -

Step 2 DNS Setup

Map your ingress ip to the DNS referenced within the examples. kubectl get ingress will give you the IP, which should be added to your host file.

$ kubectl get ingress
NAME               CLASS    HOSTS                 ADDRESS           PORTS   AGE
admin-ui-ingress   <none>   ory-admin.test.info   192.168.XXX.XXX   80      119s
fake-smtp-server   <none>   mail.test.info        192.168.XXX.XXX   80      119s
oathkeeper         <none>   ory.test.info         192.168.XXX.XXX   80      119s

# add ingress to the hosts file
$ sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF >> /etc/hosts
# ORY Minikube SSO stack
192.168.XXX.XXX    mail.test.info
192.168.XXX.XXX    ory.test.info
192.168.XXX.XXX    ory-admin.test.info

(optional) Step 3 Create secret for fetching containers from ghcr.io

This step is only necessary if your docker installation has not already done a docker login e.g. docker pull ghcr.io/hello-world fails. https://github.com/settings/tokens You can create a token (it must be "classic") in your Personal Access Token settings on github; which only needs the read:packages scope.

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry dpr-secret --docker-server=https://ghcr.io --docker-username=mygithubusername --docker-password=mygithubreadtoken --docker-email=mygithubemail

Step 4 Create a test user.

Open your browser and navigate to http://ory.test.info/panel/welcome and http://mail.test.info.

Go to http://ory.test.info/panel/ and create an account. You can validate your email on http://mail.test.info. When you create an account you have to add the role user or admin. Only the admin role has the right to access the admin react app.

URL Description
http://ory.test.info/panel/welcome User app for create an account, login, other
http://ory.test.info/admin/ Admin react app, you need the role admin to access
http://mail.test.info Local mail panel, you will receive mail confirmation here
Add keto relationships

After you have created a user, using the identity.id as the subject, you can add relations into ./keto/keto-job/config/relation-tuples/admin-access.json And then update the keto policies.

# waits for Keto to be ready and add policies
$ ./add-keto-policies.sh | kubectl apply -f -


  • Start fresh with minikube delete

  • Bring up a dashboard for the cluster with minikube dashboard image

  • Get a db shell with ./_scripts/get_psql.sh image