
You want triangles? We got triangles.

Primary LanguageRuby


Make your own triangles.

On the command line, run

ruby lib/triangles.rb

This creates a file called output.svg. Open it in your favourite browser to see your triangles.

Making different sorts of triangle patterns

The lib/triangles file has a DrawSVG method. Amend the variables, save and run the file again to make different patterns.


  • change the number of rows from 50 to 10 or 100

  • change the colours passed in to GREYS or BROWNS

  • change the chained method from random_colors! to flowing_colors! or logo_color_in! (for a very brand-specific shape!)

    top_left:          Point.new(0,0),
    height:            59.0 * 40,
    width:             88.0 * 40,
    first_orientation: Orientation.up,
    number_of_rows:    50
  .random_colors!( PURPLES)

# .random_colors!( PURPLES)
# .logo_cut_out!(Logo.new(29, 13).call)
# .logo_color_in!(Logo.new(29, 13).call,BROWNS )
# .flowing_colors!([GREYS, GREYS , BROWNS, PURPLES])