
GEN & Fever Staking Contracts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Staking Contracts for Timelockers

GEN & Fever Staking Contracts


This repository provides a GEN and Fever staking mechanism; whereby, the user receives GEN as a reward for staking GEN or stGEN in the contract.

  • Staking guide can be found in here.



  • Node.js

    sudo curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh | bash
    nvm install 12.18.3
    node -v
  • Truffle

    sudo npm install -g truffle@5.1.39 --unsafe-perm=true
  • Ganache installation guide can be found in here.

  • MetaMask installation guide can be found in here.


  • Install necessarily Node.js packages

    npm install
  • Deploy smart contracts to the Ethereum blockchain

    truffle migrate --reset
  • Deploy and run the front-end application

    npm start run

The DApp with the screenshots can be found on Timelockers.


Generation Foundation


This system is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.