
Grub2 gfxmenu themes

Primary LanguageShell


Using git:
$ git clone git://github.com/Generator/Grub2-themes.git
# cp -r Grub2-themes/{Archlinux,Archxion} /boot/grub/themes/

Edit your /etc/default/grub and change line:

The resolution the theme was designed to show best at 1024x768:

Update grub configuration:
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Archlinux AUR:
Archxion: grub2-theme-archxion
Archlinux: grub2-theme-archlinux



My distribution does not have icon in boot menu, how can I add?
Find your distribution/OS class
# grep 'menuentry' '--class' /boot/grub/grub.cfg
should be first after the name of the distribution/OS.

E.g.: The class for ArchLinux is arch
menuentry 'Arch Linux' --class arch --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os

Rename the image to the class name (arch.png)
Resize the image to 32x32, and copy it to /boot/grub/themes/THEME/icons/
(Images must be in PNG)

Can I change the background or color of the theme?
Yes, choose an image, convert and resize to 1024x768 in PNG
Copy the image to /boot/grub/themes/THEME/
Edit /boot/grub/themes/THEME/theme.txt:
desktop-image: "background.png" # Theme background image
desktop-color: "#000000" # Theme color

How can I change the logo theme?
Copy your logo image to /boot/grub/themes/THEME/ (must be in PNG)
Edit /boot/grub/themes/THEME/theme.txt:
+ image {
id = "_archlogo_"
left = 30%
width = 10%
top = 2%
height = 12%
file = "archlogo.png" # distribution logo

Why the menus are so slow?
Grub2 has some keyboard lag using themes, as referred on "The Definitive Guide To Theming GRUB 2 v1.99" pag 73


GNU GRUB Manual 1.99
GRUB Graphical Menus Project
The Definitive Guide To Theming GRUB 2 v1.99

Ideas or suggestions to share in:

github issues