A generic WPF CrudControl implemented based on the MVVM pattern. The control abstracts both the UI and business logic to achieve a foundation for a complete CRUD operation implementation (Add, Edit, Delete, Listing with sorting, paging and searching).
![alt text](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/20560529/20644314/ec3c0a98-b438-11e6-9fad-3d7f4b1747d7.png)<crud:GenericCRUDControl>
<crud:SortingProperty DisplayName="Product Name" PropertyPath="ProductName">
<crud:SortingProperty DisplayName="Category" PropertyPath="Category.CategoryName">
<crud:SortingProperty DisplayName="Supplier" PropertyPath="Supplier.ContactName">
<crud:CustomDataGridColumn Header="Category Name" BindingExpression="Category.CategoryName">
<crud:CustomDataGridColumn Header="Product Name" BindingExpression="ProductName">
<crud:CustomDataGridColumn ColumnType="TemplateColumn" Header="Stock">
<ProgressBar Maximum="150" Value="{Binding UnitsInStock}"></ProgressBar>
<crud:CustomDataGridColumn Header="Supplier Name"
BindingExpression="Supplier.ContactName" Width="*"></crud:CustomDataGridColumn>
WPF CrudControl is available on NuGet, you can install it using nuget manager or run the following command in the package manager console.
PM> Install-Package WPFCRUDControl
For the getting-started details got to the CodeProject Article
For the solution design details got to the CodeProject Article
The solution is applied on Northwind
database for two modules Suppliers
and Products
. In the demo, we used Unity as a IoC/DI container, MVVMLight toolkit and WPF Modern UI library for styling the main window and navigation.
- Restore packages using NuGet packages manager
- Install SQL Server LocalDB