- 4
- 1
Allow Exporting of note count data
#16 opened by MomoMiles - 3
Issues with CHOpt 1.9.0
#15 opened by tposejank - 4
Pro Drums and Enable dynamics options not working (.mid / .chart, CH Engine)
#14 opened by jpetersen5 - 0
Suggestion: Export options
#9 opened by farcast3r - 0
Latest Build Isn't Counting Chords properly in written path for Fortnite Festival
#8 opened by EternalFire14 - 1
Add GH3 Engine to settings?
#7 opened by EternalFire14 - 1
Possible to include RB4 engine?
#6 opened by lixiinho - 1
Option to Show OD drain rate
#5 opened by Sservis - 4
CHOpt doesn't see starpower phrase?
#4 opened by Xane8 - 3
- 7
(Question) Changing output textures
#2 opened by JohnSmith2007 - 1
Does not read files on Windows with non-ASCII characters or long paths
#1 opened by GenericMadScientist