CodeIgniter extended rules

A set of useful form validation rules, focused on file uploading (and some more). English corrections and other languages are welcome.

Written by Joseba Juaniz (@Patroklo) and Jeroen van Meerendonk (@jeroen_bz). Original code written by devbro (


Codeigniter 2.x Php 5.2 or above

(Codeigniter 3.x support at:


Just put copy the files into your server using the same folder structure. If you already have an english language file, open it and add the content of /application/language/english/form_validation_lang.php, and do the same with the other languages.


Use them as the other rules.

  • file_required Checks if the a required file is uploaded.
  • file_size_max[size] Returns FALSE if the file is bigger than the given size.
  • file_size_min[size] Returns FALSE if the file is smaller than the given size.
  • file_allowed_type[type] Tests the file extension for valid file types. You can put a group too (image, application, word_document, code, zip).
  • file_disallowed_type[type] Tests the file extension for no-valid file types
  • file_image_maxdim[x,y] Returns FALSE if the image is smaller than given dimension.
  • file_image_mindim[x,y] Returns FALSE if the image is bigger than given dimension.
  • file_image_exactdim[x,y] Returns FALSE if the image is not the given dimension.
  • is_exactly[list] Check if the field's value is in the list.
  • is_not[list] Check if the field's value is not permitted.
  • valid_hour[type] Check if the field's value is a valid hour. [24H or 12H]
  • valid_date[date_format] Check if the field's value has a valid format. If not provided with a format, it will use the standard value..
  • valid_range_date[date_format] Check if the field's value has a valid range of two date formats. If not provided with a format, it will use the standard value..

Change Log


  • Added PHP 5.2 compatibility. Bettered the mime loading from config directory


  • Now the error field message shows all the error messages that it has and not only the first one.


  • Where there is a file upload, now file_required and required force the user to upload a file.
  • Added image icon mimes.
  • Added valid_date method that checks if a field has a valid date format.
  • Added valid_range_date method that checks if a field has a valid range of two dates.

### 3.2

  • Changed valid_hourrule to accept 24 and 12 hour format
  • Changed file_allowed_type and file_disallowed_type to use Mime type when possible instead of extension file.
  • Added more spanish and english translations.

### 3.1

  • Add valid_hourrule.


  • Upgraded and working with CodeIgniter 2.1.
  • Separated the error messages from the library and move them to /application/language
  • Added is_exactly and is_not rules.
  • Added spanish translation.
