
nn.Upsampling( ) and pytorch version

zw-xxx opened this issue · 1 comments

I do appreciate for your excellent work, and I get a warning in my training:
( my PyTorch version is 0.4.1 in experiment )

/root/anaconda3/envs/CPNs/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ UserWarning: nn.Upsampling is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead. warnings.warn("nn.Upsampling is deprecated. Use nn.functional.interpolate instead.")

I do some researching, and I find that nn.Upsampling( ) is no longer used in PyTorch>=0.4.1.
It contradicts with the install requirement.
And it seems , the model performance will be reduced if I ignore this warning.

How can I deal with it?

Looking forward to your reply!

It seems that I fix my problem while using Pytorch 1.7.0
However, it seems that this warning won't caused any troubles in running codes.