This list is outdated, see and BuiltWithGenie for the newest materials
A curated list of awesome things related to Julia's Web framework Genie. Inspired by awesome-quasar
- Resources
- Genie VSCode/VSCodium/VIM/Emacs/other editor Plugins
- Official Example Projects Using Genie
Genie Experiments - Demonstrator and reminder of various Genie and Stipple functionnalities by jeremiedb
csc-training / GenieWebApp.jl -- read the docs for training
InteractiveSlides.jl -- Create Interactive Presentations
NodeGraphEditor.jl is a package for creating browser-based interactive NodeGraphs using Julia by AayushSabharwal
GraphQL with Genie Application by neomatrixcode@github
Hosting a Genie Application by Julia Computing
Create a web server accepting JSON payloads by Bogumił Kamiński from Book: Julia for Data Analysis
Emacs Survey with Genie by @tecosaur@github
Routing with Genie and Stipple Apps by TheCedarPrince@github + ai-ml-with-kapil@github
Genie+Vue3+Plotly+Babylon playground by AlbaIntelligence@github
MVC app in Genie deploying it to a container cloud and virtual machine by jaantollander@github
Ticket ordering system by AquaIndigo
Julia TryPostGresSQL editor like w3schools's TrySQL by Aashwani Rathee
Host a minimal Genie.jl web API backend on Heroku using a julia buildpack by milesfrain@github
Web Apps with Genie.jl @ Julia Munich User Group March 2021 by Adrian Salceanu
Interactive data dashboards with Julia and Stipple @ JuliaCon 2020 by Adrian Salceanu | (CODE BROKEN)
ReactJS and Genie web app by terasakisatoshi
Genie MVC web application showing how to build a user facing web page together with a REST API for querying a Netflix titles database by essenciary@github
Demo data dashboard built with Stipple.jl, StippleUI.jl, StippleCharts.jl, and Genie.jl by GenieFramework@github (CODE BROKEN)
This repository includes a collection of Stipple demo application by GenieFramework@github
Using JSON WebToken for authentication by abhimanyuaryan@github
Freecodecamp: How to Build Your First Web App in Julia with Genie.jl by Logan Kilpatrick
Building Server in Julia and Connecting to a MYSQL Database by Samanway Dey
Web Application With Julia by Pavel Ilin
A-Z Julia Endpoint With Genie and deploy ML Model by Emmett Boudreau