
The GeniePress Framework

Primary LanguagePHP

About GeniePress

GeniePress is a WordPress plugin and theme framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

Learning GeniePress

Have a look at the GeniePress documentation

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within GeniePress, please send an e-mail to Sunil Jaiswal via sunil@lnk7.com.

All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The GeniePress framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Version 2.3.0

Change Log


  • setDefaults() now looks at field definitions
  • Move to Twig 3


  • New cast() method for fields definitions.


  • Code cleanup
  • BackgroundJob now accepts a list of actions to call rather than a list of callbacks.


  • Hide warnings on SendEmail


  • CreateTaxonomy and CreateSchema are now activated on plugin activation
  • New methods in CreateTaxonomy to get the definition and set and get the taxonomy


  • CustomPost methods beforeSave, afterSave, checkValidity, beforeCache, afterRead and override visibility changed to protected.
  • CustomPost method preDelete renamed to beforeDelete and visibility changed to protected
  • CustomPost method save return $this rather than the ID
  • Attaching schema to a CustomPost is now handled in CreateSchema
  • Missing getActionName added to AjaxHandler
  • Added Field filters and actions formatValue, loadField, loadValue, prepareField, renderField, updateField, updateValue, validateAttachment and validateValue
  • New setHookPrefix method on Genie that will prefix all hooks and filters.


  • Removed dependencies for Laravel Collection and Symphony EnglishInflector