
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Searchlogic for Rails 3+

Getting Started

  • Make sure you've got rbenv installed with the version of ruby in ruby-version installed
  • Run bundle

Running Specs

Make sure that you've got all of the rubies listed in .travis.yml installed

$ bundle exec rake

Running specs for individual rails/ruby versions

  • Set your rbenv shell to the version of ruby you want to test, if different from what is in .ruby-version
  • To test rails 5, e.g., run bundle exec appraisal rails-5 rspec

Note: if you haven't run the main rake task yet, you might need to run that or the below command:

bundle exec appraisal rails-5 "cd spec/app_rails5/ && rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare && rake db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=test"