E-diary scripts

The e-diary placed here:


How to install

git clone https://github.com/Gennadynemchin/e-diary.git

Then put it into your application. For example: Your app located in 'datacenter' folder. So you have to put the 'management' folder to datacenter folder:


How to start

If you want to make new commendation - run in terminal:

python manage.py create_commendation 'name' 'subject'

Replace 'name' by requested name surname and 'subject' by nesessary subject.

If you are going to fix your marks then:

python manage.py fix_marks 'name'

Replace 'name' by requested name surname

for removing chastisements:

python manage.py remove_chastisements 'name'

Replace 'name' by requested name surname