
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fragments UI

Fragments UI is an interface for users to add, update, view and delete fragments that is hosted in fragments API. Users can post a fragment by sending a user-typed text or a supported file. The user can view all of own user's fragments posted. Users can see a table of fragments that shows the metadata and available actions such as view, update, delete. User can download a converted fragment if conversion is supported for the content type.

Upload Fragment

You can either type a text or upload a supported file to post a fragment. Supported types of content are as below.

  • text/plain
  • text/plain; charset=utf-8
  • text/markdown
  • text/html
  • application/json
  • image/png
  • image/jpeg
  • image/webp

Note: Content size must be less than 5MB

View/Convert Fragment

By clicking View button on each fragment row on the table, the user will be able to see the content of a fragment. If it's a text, it will be displayed in a text box. JSON data is also formatted nicely for the user. Image preview is provided if the content is image type.

Fragment conversion is available for below cases.

Content Type Valid Conversion
text/plain .txt
text/markdown .txt, .md, .html
text/html .txt, .html
application/json .txt, .json
image/png .png, .jpg, .webp, .gif
image/jpeg .png, .jpg, .webp, .gif
image/webp .png, .jpg, .webp, .gif
image/gif .png, .jpg, .webp, .gif

Update Fragment

If content is text, content will be shown in a text box. The user can update the text or add a file to overwrite the content regardless of original content type.

Delete Fragment

By clicking Delete button, fragment will be removed in the table and fragments API.


npm run start to run Fragments UI on local


Version Release Content Date
0.6.0 Add update fragment feature Dec 8, 2022
0.5.0 Add view/convert fragment feature Dec 7, 2022
0.4.0 Add delete fragment feature Dec 1, 2022
0.3.0 Add file drag and drop. Dockerize the app Nov 6, 2022
0.2.0 Add text content upload capability Oct 5, 2022
0.1.0 Sign up and log in page Sep 16, 2022