Raid Frames Moving
cakesicle opened this issue · 6 comments
Having issues with raid frames anchoring. When moving to heroic -> mythic level difficulty or vice-a-versa, the frames shift higher or lower, respectively. I've tried disabling Raid 2 and Raid 3 or messing with the settings on visibility, but seems to still do it. See below for examples.
Tried reaching out to the ElvUI community but got no response either.
I can see you edited a bit my raid frames, so this is not a bug, it's more like a configuration issue
first reset the visibility of your raid1/2/3 to their default values
then configure your raid1/2/3 frames as you like
then enable raid1/2/3 anchors and align them correctly on top of each other from the top.
Party: [@raid6,exists][nogroup] hide;show
Raid 1: [@raid6,noexists][@raid21,exists] hide;show
Raid 2: [@raid21,noexists][@raid31,exists] hide;show
Raid 3: [@raid31,noexists] hide;show
Party: [@raid6,exists][nogroup] hide;show
Raid 1: [@raid6,noexists][@raid11,exists] hide;show
Raid 2: [@raid11,noexists][@raid26,exists] hide;show
Raid 3: [@raid26,noexists] hide;show
To really pin point the problem.
- Disable ALL addons execpt ElvUI and GennUI
- Make a new blank profile and run GennUI setup
- Do not change ANYTHING and go test in raid. (no need to play with a profile you are nor confortable with, just zone in a bit before raid and test, you can switch to your profile and enable addons before pulls)