
OSS Review Toolkit for GDI User Portal and Starter Kit


OSS Review Toolkit for GDI.

Reviewed repositories and their current licenses

  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-storage-and-interfaces - AGPL-3.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-ckanext-gdi-userportal - Apache-2.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-frontend - Apache-2.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-apigateway - Apache-2.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-ckan-docker - AGPL-3.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-ckanext-dcat - AGPL-3.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-ckanext-harvest - AGPL-3.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-ckanext-scheming - AGPL-3.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/gdi-userportal-docs - Apache-2.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-beacon2-ri-api - Apache-2.0
  • EGA-archive/beacon2-ri-api - Apache-2.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-rems - NO_LICENSE
  • CSCfi/rems - MIT
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-htsget - AGPL-3.0
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-containerized-computation - MIT
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-lsaai-mock - NO_LICENSE
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-lsaai - NO_LICENSE
  • elixir-europe/beacon-network-backend - LGPL-2.1
  • elixir-europe/beacon-network-ui - Apache-2.0

Not reviewed component

  • LS-AAI

Evaluation of the current situation

AGPL: Copyleft license


It is a fork of an existing repo, which is already under AGPL.


It is a fork of an existing repo, which is already under AGPL.


It is a fork of an existing repo, which is already under AGPL.


It is a fork of an existing repo, which is already under AGPL.


Not clear yet why it is under AGPL.


Not clear yet why it is under AGPL.


Not clear yet why it is under AGPL.


Not clear yet why it is under AGPL.

MIT instead of Apache-2.0

MIT is okay, but perhaps we should have a common license for all GDI repositories, save exceptions.

Missing license

  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-rems
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-lsaai-mock
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-lsaai
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/oneplusmg-framework
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-lu-deployment
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-synthetic-data
  • GenomicDataInfrastructure/starter-kit-se-deployment-notes