
Another example of using MVVM with Android Atrchitecture components, in order to create core structure of application. This example is also contains correct way of injecting test modules, int unit and integration (instrumented) parts.


What we have?

From Jetpack
  • Architecture

    • DataBinding
      • Include Layouts
    • Lifecycles
    • LiveData
    • ViewModel
      • Shared ViewModels
      • Custom VM Factories
      • DI
    • Navigation
      • Arguments
  • Foundation

    • Android Ktx
    • Tests:
      • Unit
      • Integration
      • DI
  • UI

    • Animation & Transition
    • Fragment
    • Layout
    • Navigation Layout
  • Architecture

    • DI Dagger
  • UI

    • KenburnsView
    • Glide
  • Other

    • Timber
    • LoremIpsum