This project provides a C implementation of coordinate transformation between geodetic coordinates and grid coordinates of Gauss (Transverse Mercator) projections, using the Krüger-n series developed to fourth order.
This is a simplification of the C++ implementation: .
Except the library, a simple command line tool is included so you can play around with the transformations.
The library itself requires no more than standard library components.
To build, type:
$ make
Example of direct transformation from SWEREF 99 to RT90 (same values as from the library usage example)::
$ ./gausskruger -i 298.257222101 -a 6378137 -m 11.30625 -s 1.000006 -n -667.282 -e 1500025.141 67.877566667 21.06025
Inverse flattening = 298.257222
Equatorial radius = 6378137.000000
Central meridian = 11.306250
Scale factor = 1.000006
False northing = -667.282000
False easting = 1500025.141000
Latitude = 67.8775666670
Longitude = 21.0602500000
Northing = 7563929.5303
Easting = 1908686.7147
$ ./gausskruger -q -i 298.257222101 -a 6378137 -m 11.30625 -s 1.000006 -n -667.282 -e 1500025.141 67.877566667 21.06025
7563929.5303 1908686.7147
To see all options, run the tool without options or with -h
$ ./gausskruger -h
./gausskruger [options] latitude longitude
-i Inverse flattening of the ellipsoid (default = 298.257222)
-a Equatorial radius (default = 6378137.000000)
-m Longitude of the central meridian (default = 11.306250)
-s Scale factor along the central meridian (default = 1.000006)
-n False northing (default = -667.282000)
-e False easting (default = 1500025.141000)
-r Reverse transformation (default = FALSE)
-q Quiet mode (default = FALSE)
-h this help
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