
Geodesy gnumeric OLS spreadsheets

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Geodesy Gnumeric OLS spreadsheets


  • [circle] - finding the center and radius of the circle or ellips.
  • [conformaltrans] - conformal transformation: 1-5 power + affinetrans + Helmert.
  • [dms] - DDMMSS to DD.DDDD transform.
  • [ellipsoid] - the Gauss-Krüger and other transformation.
  • [plane] - processing facade geodetic survey.
  • [tunnel] - tunnel tracking.
  • [xyh] - the solution of the problem of determining the station and orienting by measurements or the relative coordinates.
  • ols-fixed-points.xml - OLS with fixed points.
  • ols-orientir.xml - direct geodetic intersection (in azimuths).

URL: https://github.com/Geo-Linux-Calculations/gnumeric-ols
