The exercise for this week is meant to help you to understand how to create and use functions in Python. You will create a simple tool that converts temperatures from one kind of temperature scale to another and then classify those temperatures into specific temperature classes.
- Exercise 4 is due by the start of the next lesson (9:15 am, 5 October 2022).
- Remember to save and commit your changes locally, and push your changes to GitHub after each major change!
- We are working in pairs on this exercise, and we will only grade the repository of the member of your pair that is responsible for this week's exercise.
- Review the materials for Lesson 4
- Check out the hints for this week's exercise if you're having trouble.
Before starting to work with the problems for this week, you should start a new JupyterLab instance and clone your own Exercise 4 repository (e.g., exercise-4-htenkanen
) in the instance using Git as we saw in Lesson 2.
Before you get started on the exercise, we'd like for you to take 5 minutes to provide us with some feedback on how the course is going so far. We would be very pleased to have your honest thoughts (positive or negative) about how things are going. The feedback you provide is completely anonymous.
There are three problems in this week's exercise.