
Advanced Algorithms 432: Final Project

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Advanced Algorithms 432: Final Project


In this project, groups of two to five students will collaborate to investigate an algorithm from a "recent" conference or journal. Each group will choose the topic on their own, and become experts on this algorithm. In addition, they will take the paper that they found one step further in the plus-one (+1) element of their project.

Part 1:

One-page summary about an algorithm that we find particularly interesting followed by an explanation and why we find it interesting.

Due: 11th of October 2019 COMPLETED.

Part 2:

Investigate three different algorithms. For each algorithm, you must identify the problem being solved. Do not go into the details of the algorithms itself, unless they solve the same problem.

  • Deliverable: 2-3 page write up submitted as a PDF.
  • Due Date: 30th of October 2019

Individual contribution status:

George: 100% COMPLETED

  • Chose bi-directional breadth first search. Troy: 100% Gavin: 100% Tommy: 100%

Part 3:

Selection of algorithm: You must select the algorithm that you will be investigating. This does not need to be one of the algorithms discussed in P-2, but is likely to be one of those.

  • Deliverable: Up to two page write up identifying the problem being solved and pseudo code for the algorithm it's self. The deliverable is an (up to) two-page write-up identifying the problem being solved and providing pseudo-code for the algorithm itself. Not all steps need to be fully explained, but the general essence of the algorithm should be clear. 10 points.
  • Due Date: 11th of November 2019


Project part status:

  • Need to select Algorithm, preferably one that we have a clear idea of our +1 for: NOT COMPLETED
  • Write up problem statement: 100% - COMPLETED
  • Write up explanation of Algorithm: 100% - COMPLETED
  • Write up Pseudo code for Algorithm: 100% - COMPLETED
  • Provide time complexity 100% - COMPLETED

Part 4:

  • Deliverable: Up to three page write up
  • Due Date: 18th of November 100% - COMPLETED

Project part status:

Identify the +1 element of your project. Essentially mproving the algorithm in some way, be it speed, clarity, additional feature. explain the analysis of the algorithm in a different way than provided in the paper, provide a runtime analysis if there is none, compare it against two or three other algorithms, walk through an example or two, explain the algorithm more clearly/concisely than the original publication, thoroughly explaining one of their proofs, etc. You are free to be as creative as you want for your +1 element, but I highly suggest you discuss this with the instructor or TA before this deadline.

  • Identify +1 element of the Algorithm (Improvement): 100% - COMPLETED
  • Write up for identifying/defining the problem: 100% - COMPLETED
  • Provide Pseudo code for the algorithm with the +1 element: 100% - COMPLETED
  • Identify/Explaining our +1 Element: 100% - COMPLETED
  • Provide run time analysis of pseudo code with the +1 Element and compare it to the origional algorithm's run time analysis: 100% - COMPLETED

Part 5:

Demonstration of process: prepare a document outlining (A) what you have done so far and (b) what is left to be done.

  • Deliverable: One to two page write up (Submitted as a PDF)
  • Due Date: 25th of November 2019

Project part status:

  • Keep track of progress for the +1 element of our algorithm: 0%
  • Write up report for progress for algorithm: 0%

Part 6:

Video Presentations. Each group will present their video in class.

  • Deliverable: Personal Reflection
  • Due Date: Last week of class 2019

Project part status:

  • Introduce video
  • Answer questions about the video from fellow sudents
  • Independant one page contributions summary detailing personal contributions as well as the strengths/weaknesses of the project. Include one thing that you would do differently if you could do it again.

Part 7:

Final Exam Time. Peer evaluation occurs in which we discuss the peer evaluations that where filled out during video presentations.

  • Deliverable: Group report to be written and submitted in class
  • Due Date: Finals week 2019


Up to five points extra credit for using version controll of LaTex documents & other non-video project files.