Backend Challenge

Intelligent Innovations Confrence is looking for someone to design a RESTful API for talks at a conference.


  • Demonstrate use of REST conventions
  • Include routes to:
    • add a talk
    • add an attendee
    • add an attendee to a talk
  • Design a simple (not necessarily beautiful) user interface with framework/library of your choice to consume the API.
  • Put solution on GitHub/BitBucket or any Git Server
  • Upload to webserver of choice e.g Heruko, Zeit, Netlify, AWS, or Digital Ocean


  • Use appropriate HTTP status codes.
  • Include a route to remove a talk.

What we are looking out for?

  • Ability to understand the problem and work out a creative solution
  • Your code standard (function names, variable names, separation of concerns)
  • Your Git Commits
  • As much as a good design catches the eye, we are not judging you on that, rather the functionality.